Our most recent Weekly Predictions talked about self-comparison and how easy it is to feel bad for not being where you think you should be. This Wisdom Wednesday’s focus is on you connecting with your authentic truth, going your own way, and breaking free of the “life template.”

To further assist you in navigating your life and relationships with trust, love, and confidence—Spirit guided me to create additional healing transmissions called Wisdom Wednesdays and to put these in video form! Think of this new endeavor as your “spiritual coaching companion” to the Weekly Predictions!  As always, I will do this until it is time to stop, take a break, or do something new.  

This Wisdom Wednesday [is 17 minutes and 53 seconds and] has chapters to help you navigate the journey! It will help you connect to your authentic self and break free of the life template. I hope you enjoy it!

Thank you! Many blessings to you and much Love!