I have a story for you!  Usually, when I reach out to you, it’s to offer you wisdom and insight on your journey. Being a spiritual being in this 3D physical world isn’t always easy, and if you’re anything like me, feeling Divinely Supported is invaluable!

Each Friday, I send out my Weekly Predictions, channeling the energies of the week ahead to assist you in navigating with love, trust, and confidence. 

In February, I did this through my Healing from Illusion 4-Day Masterclass, where I shed light on the Illusions of Relationship™, how they impact you daily, and what you can do to heal and break free. 

I do this with my Quiz about the Illusions of Relationship™ to enlighten you about how you disempower yourself and unknowingly sabotage your relationships and personal well-being.

If you are on my secret list, the Psychic Minute, you know that every day, I send a quick, short channeled message to assist you in your day.

Have you ever wondered why my work focuses on using psychic and spiritual energies to empower self-trust, healing, and self-confidence?

I share this because my life has been a series of events where, each time, I am reminded of how profoundly important it is to listen to your inner wisdom and live an authentic spiritual life. Doing so frees you from the false perception that life happens to you, otherwise known as the victim mindset.

There are so many stories I could tell you about my own experience of having an empowered mind versus a victim mindset—as well as what I have seen with my client. Still, I will focus on a relatively recent one that is entirely my story.

It began in 2020 when we were all experiencing intense personal growth and a collective transformational experience. I made one of the worst decisions of my life, and the fallout from this decision was astronomical. It was probably the most embarrassing story about overriding my own intuition as a psychic, and it included one of the worst financial decisions I have ever made.

I let someone into my life who was a full-blown narcissist. I allowed myself to be manipulated by this person into investing a considerable amount of money with them, only to be emotionally and spiritually abused and humiliated during nearly every encounter with them!

Even if I was temporarily financially broke, this person DID NOT break my spirit. When I also saw this person was trying to start a cult, I high-tailed it out of there and cut them loose!

At that moment, I was challenged to follow my advice in knowing in my bones that healing was the highest form of rebellion, but at the same time, feeling stupid and victimized. I could not believe what I did!

I was under the illusion that I had to take her advice, which was incredibly inauthentic and unaligned. For a brief period of time, I did something that I promised myself I would never do: I tried to sell out!

I say I tried to sell out because it did not work!! Along with my Higher Self, the Universe, and the Divine Spirit, I was protected from having any kind of success by selling out; as a result, I vowed never to act on fear and self-doubt again, allowed myself to follow my strong intuition, and completely removed myself from this person and her “spiritual” coaching community!

This was a harrowing lesson for me. As I sat with my Junior, my word for ego, I had some tough conversations with myself about how I bought into illusion and allowed myself to be victimized, bamboozled, and disempowered.  I felt stupid and broken—not to mention I was in a lot of debt—but at the same time, I knew that I had no choice. I had to surrender to the Divine and rebuild my life completely.

As I contemplated my life, I discovered new levels of empathy and compassion. Thankfully, my relationship with my husband, Daniel, is one of my most sacred things. We are both on a path of growth, love one another, and see each other fully and completely.

I have never really been a doormat or ever allowed someone to take advantage of me or hurt me, so this experience with an emotionally abusive narcissist completely disoriented me and threw me for a loop. 

It was pretty traumatic, and I had to use all of my tools to heal and rebuild. In my contemplation, I felt that my soul chose this for me to get first-hand experience of what it was like to be manipulated, bypass my inner knowing, and archetypically speaking, what it was like to be under a person’s spell. Beyond this, it helped me really get in touch with making wise choices without the influence of other people or current events and circumstances! I want everyone to experience such a high level of self-trust and affirmation! 

A blessing of this experience has empowered me to assist my clients in their healing adventure of trusting themselves and breaking free of unhealthy situations and relationships. More than that, I am able to assist my clients with genuine authority in rising above feeling victimized, how to transform challenges into blessings, and how to move beyond illusion and chaos. And even more than that, I help my clients be their most authentic selves and create an empowered mindset and life where they are happier and feel more at ease–regardless of what’s happening in their lives!

I also got to look at myself and how I had temporarily lost myself. Hiring this person helped me grow in massive ways that would benefit everyone involved! It was just not in the way that I originally wanted!  I endured the ultimate “contrast experience” to help me reconnect with my soul, the Divine, and NEW LEVELS of authenticity, self-empowerment, and self-trust. I really feel that I chose this to put all my tools to the test and to prevail.

Healing is the highest form of rebellion!

One thing that has continued to bless me again and again is that I always follow my intuition and will be relentless true to myself and inner knowing—even without proof and even when others disagree with me or want me to make another choice! This has been a huge blessing since I can feel other people and it can feel uncomfortable to follow my intuition when they have their own agenda with me. 

Continuing to deepen my knowledge of illusions, which I received in a spiritual download years ago, and how our Junior influences us and our decisions  continues to bless, deepen, and expand my sacred work with clients! I use my gifts, my skillset, and my embodied experience to help clients empower and trust themselves and to RISE ABOVE THE DRAMA AND STRUGGLE!

This situation helped me remember that healing is the highest form of rebellion.  Here’s what I mean: If you are going through a night or a painful and intense situation, the best thing you can do is heal and work on yourself. Every crisis in our lives allows us to align more with the Divine and free ourselves from illusion! If you are in a victim mindset or you feel victimized, you owe it to yourself to heal, expand, and reinvent!

Doing so helped me completely free myself from debt, deepen my spiritual and psychic skill set, and transform my health, as I am entirely asthma-free now, and have an empowered, resilient and strong mind! The bottom line is that I reclaimed my power. I have helped my clients do that, and want the same for you in your next chapter!

I have chosen to keep enrollment open for Living Beyond Illusion until the end of the month. We had our first kick-off call in our small yet mighty group, and it was SO powerful! If you feel pulled to being with us and meeting your authentic, most loving badass, Love Renegade version of yourself, let’s talk!  I have consultations available; you can also email me for more information. 

In this six-month program, participants will move through all illusions and step into new levels of emotional and spiritual freedom, wholeness, authenticity, and expansion. It’s six payments of $350 a month or one payment of $2000. Check it out here: https://laurenkaywyatt.com/living-beyond-illusion/

Sending you all blessings of love, joy, and expansion!!

Remember, healing is your highest form of rebellion! What could this year be for you with an authentically empowered mindset? Let’s chat!