For the last several weeks I have received psychic nudges and external signs from the Universe to film myself in a trance-like state, as I access my very own clarity portal. It feels vulnerable to do this, but when the time was right, I acted upon the guidance.

The result of this contains a sacred healing transmission and an energy blessing to support you in the month of August 2022. Here is an excerpt from the beginning of the video:

“I notice that within this month, perhaps because it is the month of Leo, a lot of people are fighting for the spotlight, fighting to be heard, and they really want to be seen. This is a time to honor your heart. What does this mean? It means that this is a month to do what supports your inner joy. In August, we want you to be aware of society’s conditioning and what it means to follow your heart. What makes you whole may be different from what you see in the media. This is a time to shine the cosmic spotlight onto yourself so that you may be revealed.”

As I reflect on this message from the August clarity portal, I find themes of competition, conformity, and what it means to allow your true essence to shine.

With social media, we see that we are in a time where it is really apparent that so many people want their opinion to matter and not only that, they are seeking external validation only for their opinion and putting other people in boxes who do not appear to share the same values and opinions. While it is important to be aware of our own preferences, sometimes we can block ourselves from seeing and hearing clearly when we are too attached to our thoughts, opinions, and emotions.

Spirit is asking us to turn the Cosmic spotlight away from other people onto ourselves so that we may see how we are really showing up and whether [or not] we are living from a sense of love, wholeness, and authentic self-expression, or if we are caught up in the illusions of competition and conformity.

My favorite part of the video is the energy blessing that comes toward the end of the video. This blessing brings us back to truth, wholeness, and peace.

Watch the video here:

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