NEW VIDEO about the Illusion of Absorption, the Illusion of Relationship™ that separates you from love with mistaken thinking, over thinking, and believing you know everything!
Read the transcription below, but it is highly recommended that you watch the video!
Today I am so excited to connect with you about the Illusion of Absorption. This the 5th of the Illusions of Relationship. This one separates from Love and disconnects you from your heart by keeping you in your head and in the space being a know-it-all, trying to figure everything out, thinking you have everything figured out. It is totally an illusion because as much as it is hard to admit or accept, there is no such thing as certainly. Yes, when we are under the Illusion of Absorption we take in everything that we have learned, we absorb it, and it is really hard for us to open ourselves up to other perspectives. But really, we have hit a wall. Really, we can only see as far as our perspective will allow us to see. What this can do is it keeps you in your heard. It can make your heart cold. You might feel that you are disappointed by people or that you are disappointing others in some way. You might have some really logical reasons as to why. I have such much love and compassion for you. We’ve all been there. My advice to you is to have love and compassion with yourself to recognize “my heart is cold. It’s a little cold right now. I have some healing to do. Yes, I have done a lot already, but there is still more.” Just set that intention for you to attract the resources and the people ( the coach or healer or mentor) who can support you with what.
Or read the transcription below…which is fine but you may not fully receive all of the love that is available to you in this healing transmission if you only read about it 👇 👇 👇
Hi, I am Lauren Kay Wyatt. I am an Intuitive Coach, the founder of Love Renegades, and the Creator of the Illusions of Relationship™ system.
Today I want to connect with you about the Illusion of Sacrifice. The Illusion of Sacrifice is one of the Illusions of Relationship that causes you to disconnect from your own needs and to be completely tuned into the people around you. For example, you would intuit your partner’s needs, your friends needs, your children’s needs, but that you would be completely disconnected when it comes to your own needs.
While it is a beautiful thing to be so caring and loving and while it is a super power to know other people’s needs, the dysfunctional side of it is being codependent and to really expect other people to give you what you give them–when one of your super powers is giving.
So what will really support you in breaking free of the Illusion of Sacrifice is making a commitment to connect with your own heart and to treat yourself the way that you treat other people by tending to your own needs.
Now this may take some deep self-reflective work that might feel kind of scary. I encourage you to be courageous. At Love Renegades we say Courage is the Vehicle of Love. I encourage you to really go for it.
Go for it in getting to know yourself and in getting to love yourself. Explore those shadows so that you can break free and be free and so that other people will love you the way that you love them and so that you can even have a higher level of that ideal.
On Friday night, I reconnected and celebrated with an old friend. I remembered the time when this person first entered my world…
…I was a scared teenager who was trying very hard to fit in. I felt that what I truly wanted—some type of creative and meaningful existence—would unfortunately not be possible due to expectations surrounding me.
This person gave me permission to feel my heart.
This person helped me explore my emotions.
This person was free.
This person is Robert Smith, the lead singer of The Cure.
Ok, so while I have not had the pleasure of personally meeting Robert, I am incredibly grateful and appreciative of his impact on my life.
See, I can relate to him. Sometimes when people look at me, they laugh. When I tell them that I am a Love Psychic, I conjure up anything from:
Surprised looks—say what?
To a “what are you doing here?”
And the occasional “oh that’s interesting, tell me more.”
Some people ask me what I really do with my time…What’s my real job, they ask. (And I love responding that I run a successful company!)
I used to want to fit in, but now, I have thankfully chosen to take the authentic high road, a choice that supports you in creating your best relationship.
Here’s why:
A huge part of how I approach relationships has to do with the healing aspect of it all
See, if you are not in your best relationship now (and if you want to be) you cannot manifest one until you connect with why you currently do not have one now
Diving deep into the healing aspects of transforming a current relationship or crafting a new relationship is empowering
Being conscious, aware, and empowered is passionate and sexy combination!! (Passionate and sexy attracts passionate and sexy!)
Will you accept my invitation to allow me to support you in this healing process by attending a free virtual event that I am giving?
What: Soul-Level Healing for Your Broken Heart, a free virtual event where I will be giving mini readings, coaching, and offering support on healing and having your best relationship.
When: Tomorrow, Wednesday May 18, 2016 at 2 PM Central
Where: The internet, more specifically on social media platform called Blab im.
How: This is just a tad complicated, but definitely not impossible.
When you are in your Blab account, type my name “laurenkaywyatt” into the search-bar. From there, will see my name and picture pop up.
Click on my picture, click on my scheduled Blabs, click on “Q&A: Soul-level Healing for Your Broken Heart” and then SUBSCRIBE to the event!
If you require assistance in attending the event, let me know. I am definitely not the most technologically savvy of people, but I will help you get there.
If you want to receive a reading or be coached, contact me here and let me know your particular situation.
Please share this event and the “directions to the party” with your friends.