Mean Psychics and Terrible Readings!

Lauren Kay Wyatt - Illumination

I have been a professional psychic since 2012. Sometimes, I forget how scary it can be to come in for a reading. I wanted to share one of my most terrible experiences in the realm of receiving a psychic reading!

OK, so it was in 2009, the year of my spiritual awakening. It was a tough year. My life had been completely upended. The Peace Corps rejected me for a medical condition I had not known about. The man I was in a relationship with—the same person who is now my husband of 12 years—was still legally married and had been unsuccessful in trying to get divorced for YEARS.

I was also a mess. I had no idea what I was doing with my life, and my dreams were shattered. I had all of these big plans for myself—I think I wanted to go to law school—OMGoddess, such an unaligned cringey path for me, lol! I was just floundering. I wanted to be successful and on a path I could be proud of, but nothing was working.

My bestie was also getting married. For her bachelorette party, some girls thought it would be super fun to have a sleepover and hire psychics. I remember feeling super uneasy about this—not because I was not a believer or religious—I had been into the paranormal and had a tarot deck for years. I was very psychic too, but I had no idea how to handle that energy.

So, anyway, I had some cocktails, and when my name was called, I went into my reading. This woman told me that I was crazy. Her words? “You are very intuitively gifted like me, but you need head medicine!”

I told her that I was a little drunk and that in the recent past, I found Reiki, an energy healing modality, and meditation to be very comforting. She said, “No, you are crazy! Go to a psychiatrist immediately!”

She also told me that the man I was with was wrong for me—my current husband of 12 years, remember? And a lot of other bullshit too.

I left the reading crying. I was suffering emotionally. There were mental health issues at play. Nothing is wrong with being medicated. All of this was true, but I could not stop crying. I think I cried myself to sleep. I was in a bad way. I never saw that person again. Nor did I take her advice. I knew that even though I was experiencing some issues, her advice was not the path for me.

Now that I do this professionally, I have many judgments about how she spoke to me! Maybe she was annoyed about being a “party favor” at a sleepover party for a group of 20-something-year-olds, but she was wrong. Her delivery was terrible.

I am grateful that this happened, just as I am with other unpleasant experiences. Her lack of professionalism and overt rudeness toward me empowered me to communicate my findings with love, respect, and care. If there is ever “bad news” to share, it is always delivered with kindness and supportive channeled advice. I am not a doctor or healthcare provider, so I would never make remarks about medications a person should take. I certainly would never tell a visibly hurting person—or anyone who came to me for a session—that they were crazy or that something was wrong with them.

Anyway, that “mean psychic” has helped me a lot. I did get my mind right after that. I used all of the struggles in my life and alchemized them into opportunities. Yes, I might be “crazy,” but my mind is wired differently from most people’s. This allows me to have boundless compassion, empathy, and psychic accuracy in my readings. My time with her encouraged me to discipline my “crazy mind” and use my natural psychic gifts to assist myself and others on their path. All of which ensure that every service with me—regardless of whether it is a Predictive Reading, a Pet Psychic Healing, a Mediumship Reading, an Illumination Session, or Human Design Reading—enriches and enhances your life!

Also, the Predictive Reading I told you about a few days ago is only $150. If you have had a private session with me, you know an hour-long private session is usually at least $234. When I was “tuning in” about how to price this offering, I was surprised by the number that came to me. I always follow my intuition and inner wisdom. I am not sure how long I will be able to offer the predictive reading at this price, but I trust Divine Timing and guidance.

So yeah—no mean psychics or terrible readings here!

If you are a Clarity Portal member, your Predictive Reading is only $117, because all Clarity Portal members get 22% off my solo offerings!! In case you do not know the Clarity Portal, it’s my membership site where members can access exclusive content like detailed Weekly Predictions, short daily psychic messages, and in-depth monthly readings! Become a member today for only $33 a month:

Thanks for reading, and happy New Year!

Holiday Illness Drama & the Spirituality of It All

Lauren Kay Wyatt - Illumination

On Christmas, I had a miracle! After three days of having a fever, I woke up feeling the best I had felt in days. Sure, I had a hacking cough, but I was filled with life and fully energized—all of this was very convenient, indeed, as my husband had just begun his fever. Between bouts of me checking on him, ensuring he drank water and took his vitamins, I cleaned the house and did laundry. Never in all my life have I been so happy to do this!

See, we spiritual people have this fun eccentricity that we do not just “get sick.” No, every bout of sickness—like every mundane struggle—is an opportunity for healing, growth, and alignment. That “flu” I had gave me just the clearing I needed!

Another fun fact about spiritual people? It’s never only a coincidence. No, my fever came to visit just on the heels of receiving the best news of my life. I got a book deal! It was a dream come true for me. I worked hard on writing all summer and submitted book proposals this fall. The book is about my work as a pet psychic healer, my experiences with the Fae, and my animal companions and clients.

This fever helped me burn off everything standing in the way of me stepping into this new chapter!

So anyway, enough about me—I am popping in here to tell you you are awesome and so much stronger than you realize. It has been a super intense year, and you have made it this far!

From what I can tell—and I am sure you can too—2025 will be extra intense, which is why I am offering you a special Predictive Reading! 🙂

This is a private session where we see what 2025 has in store for you and where you will receive channeled guidance and support on navigating your year with love, trust, and confidence. I can also look into specific questions and give you a general predictive reading.

After your session, you will feel nourished and supported as you move into your new chapter.

Order your Predictive Reading here:

Oh, one more thing: We are also in a New Moon period! It’s a “black moon,” which is kind of like a leap year event—we usually only have one new moon in a month, and this year, December gave us two.

New Moons are an excellent time for setting new intentions, and they are also great for releasing. As I learned with my fever, sometimes we must release the old to welcome the new fully.

Forbidden Truth of Human Design

Forbidden Truth about Human Design by Lauren Kay Wyatt

When you read this, I’ll be in my hometown with my husband, spending time with dear friends and family!

This is the first time we’ve been home for a holiday since 2016!

For the last few years, we’ve opted out of many traditions in hopes of making the holidays our own.

As I type this, I remember that 2016 was the year I discovered Human Design. My friend gave me a reading that told me all about my aura type, my energetic wiring, and how I was best designed to make decisions.

At the time, much of the reading resonated. My energy showed I was highly intuitive, psychic, and powerful—Junior (my word for ego loved this, lol), but the decision-making part? Not so much.

As a generator aura type, part of my strategy for making decisions is ” waiting to respond.”  As someone whose identity was rooted in being a go-getter, I had a visceral reaction to waiting!

No one tells me to wait!

Still, the reading haunted me.

Fast-forward years later, and I was burnt out and extremely frustrated with my business. Nothing was working the way my Junior (the word we used for ego) wanted it to. Everything was harder than it needed to be.

I knew I was out of alignment. Thankfully, my Junior was open to listening. I asked the Universe for support and a good friend immediately suggested I try this Human Design thing.

I relented—choosing to trust and surrender–it was uncomfortable!

At this moment, I met Raquel Reyna, a woman who would become my human design teacher, mentor, and, later, dear friend.

Giving Human Design a shot changed everything drastically. My life and business changed quickly. As I followed that generator strategy of waiting to respond, my inner authority (another aspect of decision-making in Human Design) led me to lean increasingly into my psychic gifts, becoming a pet psychic and releasing all of the misaligned “business coaching” I’d received since I began my entrepreneurial journey in 2012–yrs some of the advice was excellent but other advice was terrible—more on this another time!

Anyway, I’m reaching out today not just to talk about Human Design and my journey but also to share a fun and insightful panel I participated in called “The Forbidden Truth about Human Design.”

In this video, we discuss the origin of Human Design, which involves a mystical encounter and psychedelics. 

This is something that no one has talked about before, yet it’s becoming increasingly important as more and more people are turning to psychedelics for healing and spiritual awakening.

In case you’re wondering, I have not taken psychedelics for spiritual awakening and healing. So far, my inner authority isn’t interested. 

In this panel discussion, you’ll hear from a person who administers plant medicine, a person who chose sobriety, and all of our thoughts on human design, spiritual awakening, and the methods to support healing and growth. 

I look forward to hearing what you think! Have you had a Human Design reading? What’s your spiritual journey story, and how do you support your well-being and spiritual growth? 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Feeling the Tension? Eclipse Energy and Conflict

new moon solar eclipse
Today, Wednesday, October 2nd, we have a new moon solar eclipse! Even though you may not live in the part of the world where the solar eclipse is taking place, its energy is so palpable that it can be felt throughout the whole planet—not just on the day of the eclipse but ten days before and ten days after!

Looking around, you will likely notice quite a bit of conflict! You may even feel it within your body!

Of course, we do not need an eclipse—or psychic predictions or astrology insights—to show us that the world is an intense place with plenty of conflict, but its timing gives us time to reflect.

[BTW, if you are not signed up for the Clarity Portal, new Weekly Predictions will drop on Friday, and a Monthly Reading will come out on the first Monday of every month—with short daily messages, too. My predictions—especially my audio healing transmissions—offer support, wisdom, and psychic direction to help you navigate with love, trust, and confidence. You can sign up via the button below:]

Learning to navigate conflict effectively [and with love, trust, and confidence] has been a massive part of my path. In the past, when I felt conflict, I would seek to release it as quickly as possible—usually by getting into an argument or shutting down completely.

Over the years, I realized that my former approach—while completely understandable—lacked diplomacy. I am so energetically sensitive, feel and see everything, and pride myself on radical honesty.

In the past, I did not have the tools or experience that I do now. I did not know how to effectively manage my psychic energy and empathy.

As we approach this solar eclipse today, which spotlights conflict in our relationships, I wanted to offer you some of what I have learned over the years.

1.) Things take time to resolve.

The waiting period between the conflict and the resolution will take however long it needs to take. Waiting can be uncomfortable—especially when we are ready to put something behind us—but the sooner we accept that things happen with Divine Timing and not Junior’s Timing [Junior is the word we use for ego], the more open and allowing we are for healing and reconciliation.

2.) It’s OK to “Be Wrong.”

When we are in conflict, it is easy to see the other person as the “bad guy” and us as either the “good guy” or the person who was “right.” Please know that even if you did not do anything wrong, the other person will have their viewpoint and maybe even their agenda. By using empathy to see their side and compassion to see your part in the situation, you allow healing to take place and step into higher octaves of your personal power!

3.) Live and Let Live

Sometimes, a relationship, the role you play in it, or the dynamic within it has run its course. Endings are not always easy and clean. Often, they are messy and heartbreaking and come with a grieving process.

Most of us try not to feel those painful emotions by spiritual bypassing, denial, or hiding behind our anger and self-righteousness. Some of us believe it’s up to us to “save the relationship” and “be the better person.”

When we are in any of these places, we stifle our growth—which can prevent amazing circumstances and people from entering our lives! If you can let go, you allow yourself to grow into who you want to be. Whether or not the other person joins you on your journey is their choice.

4.) Acknowledge how your ideals and standards may be holding you back.

Our juniors may think we cannot move on or be at peace within ourselves until another person takes accountability or apologizes for how things unfolded. If we get some apology, acknowledgment, or olive branch, our juniors may deem it insufficient.

Even though we may doubt the other person’s sincerity, we can still choose whether to carry the burden of the conflict or to put it down. You do not need their apology at all.

If you happen to get one, my advice is to graciously accept it and move on with your life. You do not have to carry the burden of both the conflict and your judgment of their apology—that is a lot to carry! Instead, replenish yourself by releasing the burden and putting your energy towards yourself, your healing, and something fun and productive!

We are responsible for our peace and whether or not we grow from the conflict. The other person’s actions—however hurtful, inappropriate, or harmful— have already impacted us. Please understand that the more we hold onto the pain and expect something different, the longer the distance between us and peace.

5.) It actually has nothing to do with them.

Resolution and moving on have nothing to do with the other person, whether they accept our apology, forgive us, or ever acknowledge their part in it. Healing occurs when we let go, step into our wholeness, and approach conflict in new ways.

We begin to see the situation and our role in it.

We acknowledge how our way of approaching conflict may have inhibited our growth.

We accept that the other person may have untrue ideas about us and let them go, trusting our experience over what they may or may not think of us.

We start to pay attention to ourselves by noticing how our actions impact others and how theirs influence us.

6.) Give yourself a break!

Being a person is really, really challenging—especially during such a high conflict time! It is so easy to get wrapped up in drama, feel the pain of the world, and beat ourselves up. No matter what kind of conflict or drama you may be experiencing, remember to be gentle and kind with yourself. The more compassionate you are with yourself, the more peace you can cultivate within yourself. On the days that you judge yourself for “not doing a good job,” take that as a new moment to love and accept yourself. Celebrate yourself for how far you have come, take a break, and then keep going.

OK, so that is all for now! There is so much more to say, but we all have lives to attend to! Thank you for reading!

[Lunar Eclipse Story] Power of Release

You may have heard that we are in the midst of a lunar eclipse. This means you may have noticed the presence of relationship drama and emotional conflict—whether in your life or those close to you!

Even though this is pretty uncomfortable, celebrate that you are becoming increasingly aware of what is no longer working within yourself, your life, and within your relationships. You feel the pull to redefine yourself and choose who you want to be.

If you feel like things are messy right know, remember that each of us is an expression of the Divine. As Divine beings, we are offered the opportunity for transformation, and transformation makes a Divine Mess (ahem, masterpiece) of all of us! 

The Illusion of Drama is the archetype of change. Change can feel chaotic and dramatic, but know that if you are on a path of transformation and growth, you cannot avoid it! It’s inevitable, but how you choose to respond to change determines whether or not the Illusion of Drama holds you back. When we resist change, we make things much more difficult!

When we are on a path of transformation, we usually feel the urge to succumb to Junior (my word for ego) and doubt ourselves. We can “feel bad” for making tough decisions and beat ourselves up for things not going smoothly. 

This lunar eclipse urges us to free ourselves from the drama by letting go, moving on, and trusting. 

I’ll give an example by sharing a story of my own…

In 2018, I made an unpopular and powerful decision: I stopped talking to my mother. This was an extremely difficult choice, but I knew deep within the core of my being that it had to be done.

Over the years, I would receive feedback that I was cruel to do such a thing—that my choice was causing others—not just my mother—to suffer. I was told that I lacked compassion. Some said, “How can you call yourself a relationship expert and not have a good relationship with your mother?”  

[Of course, my Junior totally brought these things to my attention as well—which is why I attracted this feedback from others! Oh, Junior!]

To break through the Illusion of Drama, I would remind myself that I am NOT an “ordinary relationship expert;” I am a Love Renegade. Being a doormat and allowing someone to treat me poorly is way more “out of integrity” than having an inauthentic shell of a relationship that “society” would approve of! 

As I look back at what happened, I see that my choice allowed me to practice radical self-trust and self-compassion. I advocated for myself and chose to trust that what I was doing was a love-based choice that would assist all involved. Instead of trying to fit into some illusion of a social norm that suffocates and confines us all, I rebelled—trusting that my choice would assist all of us in having healthier, more authentically satisfying relationships!

During the time apart, I healed my heart, reclaimed my power through loving myself through all the messy emotions, deepened my relationship with the Divine, and even explored—on a highly practical level—what it meant to forgive, heal, and move forward. 

Fast-forward—my mom and I have reconnected and are on excellent terms. Our relationship is supportive, honest, and authentic. We each took responsibility for the fallout and have returned better than ever. 

Healing is the highest form of rebellion! I share this to inspire you to trust yourself and your messy process! 

Trust that if you want to tap into your highest potential, have amazing relationships, and achieve great things—you may need to let something or someone go—whether it’s a person, a relationship dynamic, or a “bad habit.” It can mean choosing to see through illusion and endure the discomfort of making positive choices.

Likewise, if you are on the receiving end of a conflict—for instance, if you are the person who is broken up with or left behind—choose to accept that even though this is emotionally painful, not having that person in your life or having that boundary in place serves you, too. Let this propel you to new heights of healing, wholeness, and empowerment. Trust that if you are meant to reconnect, you will. Know that it could be better than it was before! 

For either side and no side at all, trust the process and love yourself. Navigate with love, trust, and confidence by embracing change and choosing to grow!