Mean Psychics and Terrible Readings!

I have been a professional psychic since 2012. Sometimes, I forget how scary it can be to come in for a reading. I wanted to share one of my most terrible experiences in the realm of receiving a psychic reading!
OK, so it was in 2009, the year of my spiritual awakening. It was a tough year. My life had been completely upended. The Peace Corps rejected me for a medical condition I had not known about. The man I was in a relationship with—the same person who is now my husband of 12 years—was still legally married and had been unsuccessful in trying to get divorced for YEARS.
I was also a mess. I had no idea what I was doing with my life, and my dreams were shattered. I had all of these big plans for myself—I think I wanted to go to law school—OMGoddess, such an unaligned cringey path for me, lol! I was just floundering. I wanted to be successful and on a path I could be proud of, but nothing was working.
My bestie was also getting married. For her bachelorette party, some girls thought it would be super fun to have a sleepover and hire psychics. I remember feeling super uneasy about this—not because I was not a believer or religious—I had been into the paranormal and had a tarot deck for years. I was very psychic too, but I had no idea how to handle that energy.
So, anyway, I had some cocktails, and when my name was called, I went into my reading. This woman told me that I was crazy. Her words? “You are very intuitively gifted like me, but you need head medicine!”
I told her that I was a little drunk and that in the recent past, I found Reiki, an energy healing modality, and meditation to be very comforting. She said, “No, you are crazy! Go to a psychiatrist immediately!”
She also told me that the man I was with was wrong for me—my current husband of 12 years, remember? And a lot of other bullshit too.
I left the reading crying. I was suffering emotionally. There were mental health issues at play. Nothing is wrong with being medicated. All of this was true, but I could not stop crying. I think I cried myself to sleep. I was in a bad way. I never saw that person again. Nor did I take her advice. I knew that even though I was experiencing some issues, her advice was not the path for me.
Now that I do this professionally, I have many judgments about how she spoke to me! Maybe she was annoyed about being a “party favor” at a sleepover party for a group of 20-something-year-olds, but she was wrong. Her delivery was terrible.
I am grateful that this happened, just as I am with other unpleasant experiences. Her lack of professionalism and overt rudeness toward me empowered me to communicate my findings with love, respect, and care. If there is ever “bad news” to share, it is always delivered with kindness and supportive channeled advice. I am not a doctor or healthcare provider, so I would never make remarks about medications a person should take. I certainly would never tell a visibly hurting person—or anyone who came to me for a session—that they were crazy or that something was wrong with them.
Anyway, that “mean psychic” has helped me a lot. I did get my mind right after that. I used all of the struggles in my life and alchemized them into opportunities. Yes, I might be “crazy,” but my mind is wired differently from most people’s. This allows me to have boundless compassion, empathy, and psychic accuracy in my readings. My time with her encouraged me to discipline my “crazy mind” and use my natural psychic gifts to assist myself and others on their path. All of which ensure that every service with me—regardless of whether it is a Predictive Reading, a Pet Psychic Healing, a Mediumship Reading, an Illumination Session, or Human Design Reading—enriches and enhances your life!
Also, the Predictive Reading I told you about a few days ago is only $150. If you have had a private session with me, you know an hour-long private session is usually at least $234. When I was “tuning in” about how to price this offering, I was surprised by the number that came to me. I always follow my intuition and inner wisdom. I am not sure how long I will be able to offer the predictive reading at this price, but I trust Divine Timing and guidance.
So yeah—no mean psychics or terrible readings here!
If you are a Clarity Portal member, your Predictive Reading is only $117, because all Clarity Portal members get 22% off my solo offerings!! In case you do not know the Clarity Portal, it’s my membership site where members can access exclusive content like detailed Weekly Predictions, short daily psychic messages, and in-depth monthly readings! Become a member today for only $33 a month:
Thanks for reading, and happy New Year!