by lauren | Aug 11, 2021 | acheivement, best relationships, coaching questions, creating intimacy, dealing with drama, illusion of satisfaction, love relationship consciousness, mistaken thinking, Relationships, spiritual relationship advice for women, success

This picture marks a time in my life when I was very much engaged with the Illusion of Satisfaction and surrounded by the Illusion of Perfection. It began a time of going deeper and daring to create authentically and addressing all of the fear along the way too. More on that another time. 🙂 For now, let’s deep dive into the ins and outs on the Illusion of Satisfaction…
As a relationship psychic, I am gifted with the opportunity to connect with a variety of people about their relationships. This can happen casually at a social event or within the sacred space of a coaching conversation. As we go deeper, I am often delighted by the “new level of self” I hear expressed to me within the conversation.
The other day something interesting happened…
This person in my coaching space did not have a problem. Her relationships were great. Her career was booming. She was pleased with her health and family life. This is unusual in that most people who seek me out to have this kind of a conversation have something that they want to heal, change, or transform.
Also—I could tell that she was not lying to me or trying to “prove” how great things were going for her. I say this as I notice that some of us may overcompensate by talking about how well we are doing in order to bypass how we are really feeling or to “cover up” the bits of our lives that we judge or make wrong in some way.
I digress…
As she and I went deeper, I saw that she was likely under the Illusion of Satisfaction, the Illusion of Relationship™ that separates us from love by covertly (a.k.a. often unconsciously) keeping us from our next adventure.
To go into a little more detail, the Illusion of Satisfaction often impacts people who are very well-accomplished. These people have often overcome huge struggles and setbacks or they beat the odds in some way. These are people who are successful and who many seek out for advice or mentorship.
How the Illusion of Satisfaction operates is sneaky in that it “hides” the next new experience. This can look like a lack of, or a low-key reluctance to start, something new—such as a relationship, new level of relationship, or a different creative endeavor. The reluctance is there because a part of that person fears the unknown; they have memories of how hard things were before and/or they are afraid of their lives being disrupted.
To really get a feel for the Illusion of Satisfaction, watch this short (under four minute) video here.
If you would like to have a deeper understanding of this Illusion, consider the following coaching questions:
- As you feel into your own inner knowing, what is your next level of satisfaction?
- What have you been thinking about doing for a while now and haven’t started?
- What changes does a part of you fear?
by lauren | Jan 1, 2021 | dealing with drama, Healing Negative Emotions, Powerful Heart Healing, Relationships, success

Hope is a powerful energy, that when used in its highest and purest form, can help you heal and transform! With hope, you can create, receive, and attract higher levels of Love in your life and relationships. Amazing right?
But when “false hope” is applied—or when hope is dismissed as something meaningless and unimportant—this wonderful healing opportunity can go to waste.
By watching this video, you will connect with your heart’s wisdom and gain an understanding of genuine hope and how you can apply it to your life and relationships on an ongoing basis so that you can experience more love, joy, and freedom.
Watch it here====>
by lauren | Sep 17, 2019 | achievement, avoiding conflict, creating intimacy, deepening with partner, Empowerment in relationships, fear of intimacy, Free spirit in relationship, Healing Negative Emotions, intimacy, relationship challenges, settling, success

Whatever you have been through has made you who you are today.
For those of us who have “gotten our asses kicked” by the Universe and who dared to make it to other side—that situation, the one that broke our hearts and overwhelmed us and the one that left us feeling completely defeated more than once—-yes that situation has made you who you are today.
Take a moment right now to acknowledge how far you have come. What did you learn about yourself? What wisdom did you gain from that experience? How did that experience shape you to be who are today and to have what you have?
This conversation brings us to connect with another Law of Relationship™, one of the six universal patterns of illusion that separates us from love—love in our intimate relationships, love within our life circumstances, and most importantly: the love within your own heart that allows you to tap into your personal power highest potential (aka your inner Love Renegade.)
We call this particular Law of Relationship™ the Law of Satisfaction.
(Watch this video about the law of satisfaction here====>
The role that the Law of Satisfaction plays is what causes you to settle. It does this to protect you from having to endure similar pain and agony again.
While the Law of Satisfaction may “work” to keep your life “peaceful” and maybe even impressive from the outside looking in—it can hinder you from moving into your next level of LOVE and growth.
It separates you from love by causing stagnation. We are stagnant we are stuck. We are not moving forward. This immediately puts us into conflict with Love, the most creative and growth-oriented energy there is.
To help illustrate the Law of Satisfaction and what you can do to break the Law of Satisfaction, I interviewed my client, friend, and colleague, Jennifer Murphy. Jennifer has an expansive and impressive life. She wears many hats and has “been through the ringer” in her relationships and life circumstances. Jennifer is a personal development expert and the creator of the No Limits Life Empowerment Institute.
In the summer of 2018 Jennifer hired me to assist her in breaking the laws of relationship™ and in moving into her next level of potential and Love.
Watch us talk about her experience and the ins and outs of the Law of Satisfaction and enlighten yourself to what is next for you====>