by lauren | Jul 11, 2019 | boundaries, broken heart, Empowerment from Relationship Trauma, Empowerment in relationships, forgiveness, Healing Negative Emotions, Powerful Heart Healing, relationship challenges, Relationships

Our feelings can get really hurt in our relationships and that sometimes it is really tough to move forward.
In this video I outline a perspective that my clients and I use to make sense of situations that are really tough emotionally and to be at peace when things do not go the way that we want them to go.
I highly recommend this perspective as it can really set you free and allow you to let more love into your relationships, life, and experience.
Watch it here===>
by lauren | Jun 1, 2019 | Empowerment from Relationship Trauma, Healing Negative Emotions, Relationships
Definition of indignant: feeling or showing anger because of something unjust or unworthy : filled with or marked by indignation (Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
I remember how I felt when I “met” this word. I remember feeling seen, loved, and “at home” within myself, believing that I could not have found a more perfect way to describe how I felt day in and day out.
“This is how I have felt for so, so, SO long.”
In that moment, I felt a connection with my true self. It was the part of me that knew it was bullshit that I was treated the way I was…The part of me that saw through the hypocrisy of the adults in my life.
I was pissed. I was angry…But now: my frustration had a word. A word that came with similar themes and patterns.
It was later I would discover the dance of indignation, situations we “attract” when we chose NOT to be in coordination with toxic authority figures and the expectations that inundate us.
Every time I “followed the beat of my own drum,” I would start free-styling, leave the beaten path….and then, Indignation would find me.
Why do I trigger people? Why do “they” get so angry, jealous, controlling, and hateful toward me?
For awhile I tried to avoid the dance of indignation. Instead of being forthright, direct, and bold, I would withhold my point-of-view. I did this because I did not feel I was strong enough to withstand their reaction. And I would not just withhold, I would try to please them and gain their favor.
Can you relate?
Of course, my attempts to avoid the dance of indignation only amplified it! I continued to attract numerous situations in my relationships and social dynamics in which my challenge was to stand up for myself and set some boundaries!
For instance, in my late teens and early 20s, I attracted relationships that were abusive. Some, verbally where I was accused of cheating and called all sorts of terrible names. Others: emotionally abusive with threats of physical violence…And later, sexual violence when I was 22-years-old.
When these things happened, I told myself that these situations were my fault and that I was to blame for them happening.
Not long after that, I just stopped fighting.I avoided. I would walk on eggshells. I would disconnect from my needs and feelings. Instead, I tried to stay safe by seeking approval from doing things the “right way.”
As I healed from this and created new results in my love life, I would attract other situations of professional jealousy where other “healers” would attack me. (That still kind of blows my mind! lol)
All of these situations really sucked. They were heartbreaking. I could not believe the cruelty and misuse of power by others.
But each time, I allowed space for my inner Love Renegade—the part of me that is reliably courageous, wise, and bold–to step in and take the lead in the dance of indignation.
I consciously choose my own choreography!
I stood up to bullies.
I called people out for their behavior.
I ended toxic relationships (including relationships with family members!)
I dared to follow my own dreams!
I no longer allowed the opinions of others to stop me or define me!
I found my liberation!
What about you? What is your current dance of indignation?
As you sit with your own story, please remember that you have a choice.
- You do not have to take orders from fear!
- You are completely capable and deserving of love and people who love and respect you.
- You can take over the dance and incite your own healing rebellion!
If you have read this far, I have more for you!!!
Here is a video that details one very *odd* dance of indignation that I experienced in 2013 where I was turned into the priest for being a witch!!! WTF?!?
In under 10 minutes you will hear my story and gain more insight into how you can break the laws of relationship ™ and create your own healing rebellion!
Watch the video here =====>
I will be in touch soon with more wisdom bursts for you!!
Until then, sending you blessings of LOVE LIBERATION.