Reflection, contemplation, and release—all energies associated with the Solstice. To assist you in leaving behind what no longer supports you, I would like to offer you two things. First, I want to invite you to have a Grand Tableau Reading with me. In this reading, we will look directly at the future and all circumstances, dynamics, etc that you can use to navigate the first part of 2022. This session is $277 and 75 minutes. I would love the opportunity to support you on your love and life path and in healing the Illusions of Relationship™.  Make your payment here.  and I will be in touch with you within two days to schedule your session. Second, I want to shed light on the Illusion of Satisfaction, the Illusion of Relationship™ that separates you from Love by causing you to NOT acknowledge what you are actually tolerating.Be warned. I am going to be very direct in my communication about the Illusion of Satisfaction. Please know that while my delivery may seem harsh, I am carrying a healing intention of reconnecting you with our power so that you can experience authentic satisfaction, joy, and love. The Illusion of Satisfaction triggers your Junior—my word for ego—to “fool yourself” into believing that you like and enjoy what you are, in fact, tolerating.  This can pertain to mistaken thinking aka the limiting beliefs that you carry. It points to the relationship dynamics you insist on keeping.One example of this is so many of us say that we want a “good relationship.”  We all want and desire love and yet we are not “good” to ourselves. Instead, we allow ourselves to be treated badly.  We make ourselves really small to be “nice people” and we tolerate terrible behavior from others—without realizing that they are an externalized representation of how we are treating ourselves!If you want to have a “good relationship” you must be “good” to yourself.To heal the Illusion of Satisfaction within you…1.) Start by looking closely at where you choose limitations. What “stories” do you tell yourself that encourage self-deception?  Just so that you know—these are often the areas where you blame yourself and others and feel that you do not have a choice.2.) Demand more from yourself by asking yourself, “Why do I continue to tolerate these things? Am I really so fearful of the unknown?  Am I really that afraid of love? Why do I cling to what hurts me?” 3.) Experience all of the emotions—even anger, rage, and sadness. By allowing yourself to experience and acknowledge these emotions, you set yourself free, and you are more able to access pure satisfaction and joy. Thank you for reading.  If you want more information on the Illusion of Satisfaction, watch this video on my YouTube channel, where I am much softer in my approach. 😈Thank you so much for letting me guide you with my own contemplations! Sending you so much love and blessings of gratitude. 💚With Love and Wisdom,

Lauren P.S. A few people have reached out and asked me if I am still accepting long-term coaching clients.  The answer is a very authentically satisfied YES!! I love my new structure in my coaching programs!! ❤️ If you are interested, please consider starting with a Grand Tableau Readingwhere you tap into gaining access to authentic confidence and satisfaction. Make your purchase here, and I will be in touch within a couple of days to schedule your session. Please know that due to the nature of this service, all sales are final and no refunds are offered.