Up until now, I have not really been one to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Really, I think I may have been a little judgmental and arrogant—which is kind of embarrassing to admit because I have loads of empathy and coach people in love and relationships.  My reasoning was that it did not make sense to me that so many wonderful people were giving their power away to a “silly” holiday.

Now, I realize that my arrogance was my way of protecting my empath heart from feeling the deep gaping heart wound of the Collective.

As much as I tried to shield my heart from feeling this pain, it still persisted, constantly knocking on my door to be of assistance. It felt too overwhelming until one day I decided to just let myself feel it.  Courage is the vehicle of Love, right?

Here is what I know is true…

We are collectively hurting. Each one of us yearns to love and be loved.  Each one of us has the opportunity to heal.

Although what I am about to say may sound radical and outlandish, I genuinely believe that the more we choose love and healing, the more we contribute to the Collective’s healing.

This means that the pain you feel from that divorce or that break up with a friend or that business deal that fell through—no matter how big or small or present that pain is—by healing it, you acknowledge your own power and set yourself free.

This means that all of the annoying things you experience in your relationships, within your dating process, etc— all of those things are your soul’s way of calling your attention to healing and liberating the love within you.

By healing these things, you contribute to healing the collective wound.  In other words, your healing may inspire someone you do not even know to heal. This creates a cosmic healing ripple that benefits humanity, our planet, and collective spiritual growth.

That is the motivation behind this Valentine’s Day-inspired Special. I call it a Love Liberation Session, a private 30 minute intuitive healing and coaching session where you will:

  • Receive clarity on liberating the love within and around you!
  • Pave the way for you to have amazing experiences in your relationships!
  • Get to the root of all of the emotional, spiritual, and psychic gunk that is clogging up the love and healing within you!

In honor of Valentine’s Day and in the name of Love and Healing, I am doing this for half of the price of my normal rate!!  So exciting, right?!  This means that instead of $297, it is $147.)

You can make your purchase here.

You can read more here on my website.

Thank you for reading. It is a deep honor to assist you in healing and to provide you with wisdom that supports you in letting love lead the way, in your relationships and life.