It is Mistaken Thinking to believe that you need permission from some outside authority to have what you desire. You may wonder, “who is this perceived outside authority?”  Before we go into the answer to that question, let’s talk about change. Please consider the following questions and select at least one to reflect upon:

  • What in your relationship and life would you love to see “magically” change?
  • What would the tone of your relationship or dating experience transform into?
  • How would your qualities of friendships shift?
  • What would you no longer tolerate in your life and relationships?

In order for any of your answers to the above to occur, you must be willing to make the change that is reflected in the answer to the question. Here are some examples:

  • Example One– You want your partner to be fully supportive of your growth and your path. If this is true and you want to be able to connect with them on a deeper level, then you be the one to give yourself the permission, love, attention, and support that you desire from your partner.
  • Example Two- Perhaps you are tired of playing the role of the “helpful friend” who always gives free advice. If this is the case, then consider that maybe you choose to be the “helpful friend” to obtain permission (a.k.a. validation) instead of stepping into higher levels of your self-worth.
  • Example Three- Maybe it is time to set a boundary or start a new endeavor that you have been thinking about for some time, but instead of moving forward, you fear the fallout.  Instead of taking action, you allow confusion and the fixation of what other people will think (i.e. secretly wondering if you have their permission) to keep you from moving forward.

What it comes down to is this…

Because you are the most important person in your life, you are the best authority in your life too! Will you give yourself permission to create a life that you love? 

Thank you for reading and for spending time with yourself today.

Sending you blessings.  <3

With Love and Wisdom,
