by lauren | May 12, 2021 | boundaries, creating intimacy, dating advice for empaths, deepening with partner, empaths in relationships, Empowerment in relationships, fear of intimacy, Free spirit in relationship, Healing Negative Emotions, intimacy, self-love in relationships, settling

Perfection really is a sneaky beast! It urges us to follow the crowd and while it may lead to some sort of validation, it is really shallow and superficial at best. Really, any praise obtained from trying to be perfect, is the equivalent of fast food. It feels good while it’s happening, but if you eat too much and for too long…well, it can have lasting effects—and not the good kind!!! 🙂
This leads us into the Illusion of Perfection, one of the Illusions of Relationship™ that separates you from Love by causing you to be deeply inauthentic. This Illusion is so subtle that it you will often think that you are being true to yourself by just refining (and well, perfecting) when in reality, you are playing out a cycle of fear.
How does this impact your relationships? Well, it can cause the people in your life—especially your partner(s) or prospective partners—to not even know you. No one, including you, ever gets to truly connect with your authentic identity. This can cause deep longing and frustration—which can play out in sooooo many [dysfunctional] ways in your relationships!
If you would like to transcend the need for perfection, you must heal the Illusion of Perfection within you. Here are two videos where in less than 15 minutes—you will you will receive a deeper understanding of the Illusion of Perfection, and you will have an opportunity to connect with your authentic (ahem LOVE RENEGADE) self.
It is my intention that these videos bring you healing clarity on transcending the need for perfection and in creating a life and relationships that reflect your Divine self!
by lauren | May 2, 2021 | boundaries, creating intimacy, dating advice for empaths, dating advice for highly sensitive people, dealing with drama, deepening with partner, empaths in love, empaths in relationships, Empowerment from Relationship Trauma, Empowerment in relationships, fear of intimacy, Free spirit in relationship, Healing Negative Emotions, love relationship consciousness, self-love in relationships, spiritual relationship advice for women

Watch the newest video on the Illusion of Perfection here:===>
You can read the transcription below, but it is highly recommended that you watch the video.
What we are going to talk about right now is the Illusion of Perfection. The Illusion of Perfection is the fourth Illusion of Relationship that separates you from Love and disconnects you from your heart by willing you to be absolutely flawless and perfect. This particular Illusion of Relationship causes you to not be yourself. It does this because it keeps you from getting to know your true self. You are constantly plugged in to other peoples’ expectations of you. Now, they might be perceived expectations–projected ones! They may not even be true. A lot of assumptions are made with the Illusion of Perfection. When we are trying for an ideal that is not authentic for us, it puts us out of our brilliance and it makes us inauthentic. This can cause us to attract a lot of situations where we feel like we cannot be ourselves and where we cannot even access ourselves and are genuinely afraid of our potential. Dear one, if this sounds like you, my advice for you is to connect with your heart and set the intention to tap into the creative power, to let your Love Renegade guide you in being yourself, and for you to be courageous enough to put your beautiful heart and enter the world in your own unique way.