Hello, Drama, My Old Friend

Hello, Drama, My Old Friend


Hello, Drama, My Old Friend!  When Drama arrives in your life, it could mean that you in the middle of the manifestation process and in the middle of creating real lasting change! OR it can mean that you are under the influence of the Illusion of Drama, one of the Illusions of Relationship™ that pushes love away from you with a misuse of the powerful energy of Drama!

Watch our latest video and receive the healing transmission here==> https://youtu.be/EL1lsxJc4xwhttps://youtu.be/EL1lsxJc4xw

Read the transcript below 👇 👇 👇

Today I want to connect with you about the Illusion of Drama. The Illusion of Drama is the third of our Illusions of Relationship™ System that disconnects you from your heart and separates you from Love with a lot of drama, with a lot of distraction. 

When we are caught into the Illusion of Drama, it is usually when things are so chaotic and busy, and when there is a lot of conflict within and relationship dynamics and within ourselves. When that is happening it is really important for you to tune in and to really be aware of how you can be the most authentic. 

Are you emoting and creating drama for drama’s sake? Are you talking about your problems so that you can get attention? Or are you on the verge of a big empowerment opportunity and healing breakthrough in your life and your life is simply aligning to create that. 

Drama is a part of the transformation and healing process and it is really important during this time that you go into it with a loving open heart, with a commitment to being authentic, and to step into your transformation with clarity and with a knowing that it is all working out in your favor. 

Are you caught in the Illusion of Drama?  Want to find out for sure?  Take the free Quiz and find out which Illusion of Relationship™ is influencing you here: https://laurenkaywyatt.com/quiz/

Want to go deep and receive empowered support? Contact lauren at love renegades dot com and request a free session.

Sending you blessings!

Don’t Let Your Mind Fool You! [Case Study]

Love and intimate relationships are NOT something to just “figure out.”  In the last seven years of working with clients on their relationships and love lives, I have found that some of us approach love with caution—-believing that if we can “figure it out,”  we will then be safe and not have to deal with rejection or the threat of heartbreak.

And then,—-in our quest to “be right” —-we either attract the OPPOSITE of what we want in our relationships OR absolutely nothing happens!

…If you are anything like me or my client, Tommie then this is a cycle that you know well! 🙂 

It is illusion of the Law of Absorption, the Law of Relationship, that impacts smart people, like us, who love analyzing and figuring things out!! Chances are, you are great at giving other people at advice, but when it comes to your own life, there are times when you feel like a deer in headlights!

If any of this sounds familiar and if you are currently in a dry spell or if dating and relationships (and generally putting yourself out there) feel like harmful and hurtful minefields to cry about and avoid, PLEASE WATCH this client case study interview that I did with my friend and client, Tommie Main.

Tommie is very smart, multi-talented, and has big dreams. She has a variety of certifications and is a wonderful speaker and transformational coach. She radiates vibrant health and good vibes. 

Even with all of these accomplishments, Tommie was dealing with some real resistance to love, intimidate relationships, and dating. She did not know it, but she was abiding the Law of Absorption! 

In this video, Tommie will give you a play-by-play of how she Broke the Law of Absorption and:

-Healed her “love gunk” and reclaimed her power in her relationships

-Transformed into the protagonist in her own universal love story

-Tapped into her inner Love Renegade 

Seriously, even if you think you are the most heart-centered and loving person in the world and believe that you already “know a lot” about love, relationships, and the “science “behind of manifesting your dream circumstances , I urge you to put your “know-it-all” filter aside, one of the steps of breaking the Law of Absorption, and watch this video!  

Watch it here ========> https://youtu.be/7RGjIFQoo0U

If you have any questions or comments about this video or if there is something you would like me to make a video about, do not hesitate to reach out.  I am here to serve you! ❤️ You can do that on my “ask lauren” page here: https://loverenegades.com/ask-lauren/

Leap Into Love Liberation

Each time I connect with a client I am amazed by the wisdom that comes through. I am always left feeling energized and completely in awe.

Each person I work with is so precious and each session is sacred. Being coached, coaching, and watching someone be coached can be a healing experience.

We are all reflections of each other.

Even though we are not all exactly the same (and how boring would it be if we were lol) and some of us may loudly mirror our differences back to each other, all of us endure the same universal patterns and are bound to the same universal laws.

In this Love Liberation Session you will meet Shannon! Shannon has beautiful “pixie-energy” and after healing herself from a chronic illness, toxic relationships, and stepping into a completely new career as a medical intuitive, Shannon is at a choice point.

  • Will she risk getting hurt and opening her heart to love and romance?
  • Will she be courageous and dare to pursue her dream relationship
  • Or will she continue with “business as usual?”

Shannon’s session will be especially insightful for you if any of the following apply:

  • You are feeling guided to take a leap of faith but there is a part of you hanging on (to the past or how things “should” be)
  • You feel obligated to keep certain people in your life
  • You have already done a lot of inner healing work
  • You are curious about how I do what I do

It is my intention that the content in Shannon’s session supports you in saying yes to amazing love and taking a stand for love!

Watch Shannon’s session here: ======>https://youtu.be/xICunMgDj1M

After you watch Shannon’s session, ask yourself:  What does my ideal relationship look and feel like? Then, do some journaling!  (You can even share with me if you like!!)

Waiting for Love

Waiting for Love

A little over a week ago, Danny and I returned from Europe. It is an understatement to say that our time together was expansive and magical. During the trip, I could feel so much transforming and shifting within me. I knew that I would never be the same again, and now I might be in a little bit of a conundrum.

See, all of the new energies and insights I received have not made their way into word form yet. In fact, if I tried, everything that I had to share might not make the most sense! It might even feel forced.
For these reasons, I have chosen to do something that I am not very good at. I am choosing to wait.

Here’s the thing about waiting. Waiting does not mean doing nothing. It does not mean assuming that things will just fall into your lap. It does not mean meditating or praying your way into a new reality. (These behaviors can lead to frustration, disappointment, and heartache.)

Instead, waiting is a form of accepting and receiving whereby you get to simply be. When in a state of waiting, you get to take note of your environment and notice your feelings, emotions, and options on what you are experiencing and attracting.

To wait is pay attention. To wait is to listen.

When we are in this period of waiting, we are invited to heal. Through the healing process, we can acknowledge our desires. Through healing, we release all blocks us from bringing our desire into our reality.
For instance, do you desire a new relationship? Or a new dynamic within your current relationship? During this process, do you feel like nothing you are doing is working? Do you feel frustrated and stuck?

If you answered yes, then please consider that you might be in a period of waiting. The Universe and your higher self are asking you to look within and to observe your circumstances in a new way. You are being invited to heal so that you can have the new experience that you desire.

Re: Choosing a Life that You Love

Greetings from a Europe-bound plane! In the nearly eight years that Daniel and I have been together, this is our first international trip together.

A dear friend—someone who I met when I was eight-years-old and who went to Catechism with me—is getting married in Dresden, Germany! I cannot wait to celebrate her very special day with her!  During our time in Europe, Daniel and I will explore Prague and Budapest too.

As I reflect on this, I have tears in my eyes.  See, years ago I declared that I wanted to explore with Daniel.  This included exploring our inner worlds together, healing and transforming together, and co-manifestation.  My dream life also includes travel and having a business that reflects my soul’s true essence…

Today is the day that I realized that all of this has come to fruition. I am humbled and overcome by love and appreciation.

I bring this up, not to brag, but to shed light on how this all came into being.  I did not “get lucky.” I simply chose manifest my desire.  To quote Paulo Coelho from my favorite book, The Alchemist, “when you want something, all of the Universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

What do you desire?  What is in your heart?  What does your dream life and your best relationship look and feel like? In your desire, how are you spending your time?

Please know anything that you desire is within reach.  It is only a few choices away.  I used to make achieving my desire so much harder than it actually was.  I had so many excuses about why I could not have what I wanted. I allowed these excuses to hold me back. I would feel like no matter what I did, it would never work or be good enough.

But one day, I made a new choice.  I chose to heal and let go of all of the energetic baggage that was keeping me from having my best relationship with Daniel and from being in love with life.

You can have your own version of this, and I can show you the path to get there.  This path is called the empowered path of healing. It is accessed by the following:

  • Acknowledging your desire
  • Embracing your challenges
  • Choosing to heal and transcend
  • Making soul-driven choices
  • Taking love-based actions

The empowered path of healing looks different for each person as all of us are unique expressions of the Divine. For this reason, I have created the Uniquely You: Empowered Path of Healing Startup Program.  Here are some of the benefits of the program:

  • Healing from the inside out—gain insight into spiritual blocks, your Divine strengths, and unique roadmap to have all that you desire and more
  • Higher frequency of attraction—when you allow your soul self to shine, you are more connected to the Divine and open to seeing and receiving gifts from the Universe
  • Heightened intuition, self-love, and self-trust—Reconnecting to your true source of power: your soul
  • Releasing energetic baggage—when you let go of what holds you back, you empower yourself to access everything that you need to manifest your desires
  • Clarity on next steps—components of the program give you a uniquely you roadmap outlining who you get to be and what you can do to create a life and relationship that you love

Here is the structure of the Uniquely You: Empowered Path of Healing Program:

It begins with a soul reading from me.  In this 90 minute session, delivered by phone, you will gain insight into:

  • Who you are at soul-level. These are your soul-level gifts and talents, and your soul purpose.  Embracing these gifts will allow you to heal and create a relationship and life that you love.
  • Practical application of these gifts to your relationships, your love life, your career, etc. to assist you in creating a life that reflects your soul’s true essence.
  • The energetic blocks that are holding you back from having a life that you love—if you know what is holding you back, you are empowered to change the situation through being your soul-self. (Value $597)

This service also comes with a unique 21 day prayer practice and energy clearing work to empower you to make love-based and soul-driven choices.

Approximately three weeks later, you will receive a healing elixir, a powerful energy healing treatment that is delivered long-distance as you sleep where you will wake up feeling recharged, empowered, and loved.  More Divine insights and messages from your Spirit Guides will make their way to you in a unique written report created just for you. (This report will be emailed to you, the morning after your healing elixir.)

After receiving both your soul reading and healing elixir, you will receive a 3o minute follow-up session to further assist you on your empowered path of healing.

The Uniquely You: Empowered Path of Healing Program is delivered in six weeks.  In that time, you will be able to receive guidance and support from me via email. This will support you in integrating all that you receive from both the soul reading and the healing elixir into your relationships and life.

The value of this program is over $997, but until July 31, 2016, it can be yours for $697. 

Proceed To PayPal

After you purchase your Uniquely You: Empowered Path of Healing Program, I will be in touch with you within 24-48 hours to schedule your soul reading and to obtain information that I need in order to deliver this program to you.

*Please know that your information will be kept confidential and treated with love and care.