Illusion of Absorption- Video

NEW VIDEO about the Illusion of Absorption, the Illusion of Relationship™ that separates you from love with mistaken thinking, over thinking, and believing you know everything!

Watch the video here:

Read the transcription below, but it is highly recommended that you watch the video!

Today I am so excited to connect with you about the Illusion of Absorption. This the 5th of the Illusions of Relationship. This one separates from Love and disconnects you from your heart by keeping you in your head and in the space being a know-it-all, trying to figure everything out, thinking you have everything figured out. It is totally an illusion because as much as it is hard to admit or accept, there is no such thing as certainly.  Yes, when we are under the  Illusion of Absorption we take in everything that we have learned, we absorb it, and it is really hard for us to open ourselves up to other perspectives. But really, we have hit a wall. Really, we can only see as far as our perspective will allow us to see. What this can do is it keeps you in your heard. It can make your heart cold.  You might feel that you are disappointed by people or that you are disappointing others in some way. You might have some really logical reasons as to why. I have such much love and compassion for you. We’ve all been there. My advice to you is to have love and compassion with yourself to recognize “my heart is cold. It’s a little cold right now.  I have some healing to do. Yes, I have done a lot already, but there is still more.”  Just set that intention for you to attract the resources and the people ( the coach or healer or mentor) who can support you with what.


Do Away with Perfection!

Perfection really is a sneaky beast! It urges us to follow the crowd and while it may lead to some sort of validation, it is really shallow and superficial at best.  Really, any praise obtained from trying to be perfect, is the equivalent of fast food. It feels good while it’s happening, but if you eat too much and for too long…well, it can have lasting effects—and not the good kind!!!  🙂

This leads us into the Illusion of Perfection, one of the Illusions of Relationship™ that separates you from Love by causing you to be deeply inauthentic.  This Illusion is so subtle that it you will often think that you are being true to yourself by just refining (and well, perfecting) when in reality, you are playing out a cycle of fear.

How does this impact your relationships?  Well, it can cause the people in your life—especially your partner(s) or prospective partners—to not even know you. No one, including you, ever gets to truly connect with your authentic identity. This can cause deep longing and frustration—which can play out in sooooo many [dysfunctional] ways in your relationships!

If you would like to transcend the need for perfection, you must heal the Illusion of Perfection within you. Here are two videos where in less than 15 minutes—you will  you will receive a deeper understanding of the Illusion of Perfection, and you will have an opportunity to connect with your authentic (ahem LOVE RENEGADE) self.

It is my intention that these videos bring you healing clarity on transcending the need for perfection and in creating a life and relationships that reflect your Divine self!

Hello, Drama, My Old Friend

Hello, Drama, My Old Friend


Hello, Drama, My Old Friend!  When Drama arrives in your life, it could mean that you in the middle of the manifestation process and in the middle of creating real lasting change! OR it can mean that you are under the influence of the Illusion of Drama, one of the Illusions of Relationship™ that pushes love away from you with a misuse of the powerful energy of Drama!

Watch our latest video and receive the healing transmission here==>

Read the transcript below 👇 👇 👇

Today I want to connect with you about the Illusion of Drama. The Illusion of Drama is the third of our Illusions of Relationship™ System that disconnects you from your heart and separates you from Love with a lot of drama, with a lot of distraction. 

When we are caught into the Illusion of Drama, it is usually when things are so chaotic and busy, and when there is a lot of conflict within and relationship dynamics and within ourselves. When that is happening it is really important for you to tune in and to really be aware of how you can be the most authentic. 

Are you emoting and creating drama for drama’s sake? Are you talking about your problems so that you can get attention? Or are you on the verge of a big empowerment opportunity and healing breakthrough in your life and your life is simply aligning to create that. 

Drama is a part of the transformation and healing process and it is really important during this time that you go into it with a loving open heart, with a commitment to being authentic, and to step into your transformation with clarity and with a knowing that it is all working out in your favor. 

Are you caught in the Illusion of Drama?  Want to find out for sure?  Take the free Quiz and find out which Illusion of Relationship™ is influencing you here:

Want to go deep and receive empowered support? Contact lauren at love renegades dot com and request a free session.

Sending you blessings!

What is the Illusion of Sacrifice (in the Illusions of Relationship™ System?)

What is the Illusion of Sacrifice (in the Illusions of Relationship™ System?)


Watch the video here 👉

Or read the transcription below…which is fine but you may not fully receive all of the love that is available to you in this healing transmission if you only read about it 👇 👇 👇

Hi, I am Lauren Kay Wyatt. I am an Intuitive Coach, the founder of Love Renegades, and the Creator of the Illusions of Relationship™ system. 

Today I want to connect with you about the Illusion of Sacrifice. The Illusion of Sacrifice is one of the Illusions of Relationship that causes you to disconnect from your own needs and to be completely tuned into the people around you. For example, you would intuit your partner’s needs, your friends needs, your children’s needs, but that you would be completely disconnected when it comes to your own needs.

While it is a beautiful thing to be so caring and loving and while it is a super power to know other people’s needs, the dysfunctional side of it is being codependent and to really expect other people to give you what you give them–when one of your super powers is giving. 

So what will really support you in breaking free of the Illusion of Sacrifice is making a commitment to connect with your own heart and to treat yourself the way that you treat other people by tending to your own needs. 

Now this may take some deep self-reflective work that might feel kind of scary.   I encourage you to be courageous. At Love Renegades we say Courage is the Vehicle of Love. I encourage you to really go for it. 

Go for it in getting to know yourself and in getting to love yourself. Explore those shadows so that you can break free and be free and so that other people will love you the way that you love them and so that you can even have a higher level of that ideal. 

What is the Illusion of Control (in the Illusions of Relationship™ System?)

What is the Illusion of Control (in the Illusions of Relationship™ System?)

Watch the video here:

**A slightly modified transcription is given below.  Please know that the healing transmission of this video does not come out as fully from the transcription.**

Today we are shedding light on the Illusion of Control, the first of the Illusions of Relationship™. Just like what its name feels and and sounds like, really creates contraction with control.

The control can be aggressive such actively and obviously trying to control other people. The control can look covert as well.

Either way, you want to control the future by wanting to know exactly what is going to happen and when it is going to happen.  This Illusion of Relationship™ really takes you away from your heart and it throws you out of sync with Love by its relentless need to control. This is micromanaging of the creative process of the heart chakra.

For people who have the Illusion of Control as their main Illusion of Relationship™, the best advice is to you is to work on opening your heart and trusting Life.  Being authentic and vulnerable is a huge part of this as well—doing this in a powerful honest way—where you can put it out there to the Universe (as an intention) and really attract people into your life who can be safely be your soft side with and who is safe to let your guard down with.

This allows Love to lead the way.

You are invited to reflect on this message with the following questions:

1.) In what ways do I seek and exhibit control in my relationships?

2.) How do I try to control myself and others?

3.) What might happen if I followed the advice given to me in the video?