What is the Illusion of Control (in the Illusions of Relationship™ System?)
Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/UKHPXFckIjw
**A slightly modified transcription is given below. Please know that the healing transmission of this video does not come out as fully from the transcription.**
Today we are shedding light on the Illusion of Control, the first of the Illusions of Relationship™. Just like what its name feels and and sounds like, really creates contraction with control.
The control can be aggressive such actively and obviously trying to control other people. The control can look covert as well.
Either way, you want to control the future by wanting to know exactly what is going to happen and when it is going to happen. This Illusion of Relationship™ really takes you away from your heart and it throws you out of sync with Love by its relentless need to control. This is micromanaging of the creative process of the heart chakra.
For people who have the Illusion of Control as their main Illusion of Relationship™, the best advice is to you is to work on opening your heart and trusting Life. Being authentic and vulnerable is a huge part of this as well—doing this in a powerful honest way—where you can put it out there to the Universe (as an intention) and really attract people into your life who can be safely be your soft side with and who is safe to let your guard down with.
This allows Love to lead the way.
You are invited to reflect on this message with the following questions:
1.) In what ways do I seek and exhibit control in my relationships?
2.) How do I try to control myself and others?
3.) What might happen if I followed the advice given to me in the video?