What is the Illusion of Sacrifice (in the Illusions of Relationship™ System?)
Watch the video here 👉 https://youtu.be/tZoU5q6esZA
Or read the transcription below…which is fine but you may not fully receive all of the love that is available to you in this healing transmission if you only read about it 👇 👇 👇
Hi, I am Lauren Kay Wyatt. I am an Intuitive Coach, the founder of Love Renegades, and the Creator of the Illusions of Relationship™ system.
Today I want to connect with you about the Illusion of Sacrifice. The Illusion of Sacrifice is one of the Illusions of Relationship that causes you to disconnect from your own needs and to be completely tuned into the people around you. For example, you would intuit your partner’s needs, your friends needs, your children’s needs, but that you would be completely disconnected when it comes to your own needs.
While it is a beautiful thing to be so caring and loving and while it is a super power to know other people’s needs, the dysfunctional side of it is being codependent and to really expect other people to give you what you give them–when one of your super powers is giving.
So what will really support you in breaking free of the Illusion of Sacrifice is making a commitment to connect with your own heart and to treat yourself the way that you treat other people by tending to your own needs.
Now this may take some deep self-reflective work that might feel kind of scary. I encourage you to be courageous. At Love Renegades we say Courage is the Vehicle of Love. I encourage you to really go for it.
Go for it in getting to know yourself and in getting to love yourself. Explore those shadows so that you can break free and be free and so that other people will love you the way that you love them and so that you can even have a higher level of that ideal.