Breaking free of the Life Template

Our most recent Weekly Predictions talked about self-comparison and how easy it is to feel bad for not being where you think you should be. This Wisdom Wednesday’s focus is on you connecting with your authentic truth, going your own way, and breaking free of the “life template.”

To further assist you in navigating your life and relationships with trust, love, and confidence—Spirit guided me to create additional healing transmissions called Wisdom Wednesdays and to put these in video form! Think of this new endeavor as your “spiritual coaching companion” to the Weekly Predictions!  As always, I will do this until it is time to stop, take a break, or do something new.  

This Wisdom Wednesday [is 17 minutes and 53 seconds and] has chapters to help you navigate the journey! It will help you connect to your authentic self and break free of the life template. I hope you enjoy it!

Thank you! Many blessings to you and much Love!

Intimacy, Into Me I see: Courage

Our most recent Weekly Predictions shed light on our collective need for certainty and how our Junior (my word for ego) tries to create a false sense of security by micromanaging ourselves and other people—which creates a fear of intimacy! 

I wanted to make sure that this Wisdom Wednesday gave you practical tips on how to address this need for certainty and a fear of intimacy that will help you create genuine trust, confidence, and safety. This is a must-watch for people who want more intimacy in their relationships and who are ready to go deep.

To further assist you in navigating your life and relationships with trust, love, and confidence—Spirit guided me to create additional healing transmissions called Wisdom Wednesdays and to put these in video form! Think of this new endeavor as your “spiritual coaching companion” to the Weekly Predictions!  As always, I will do this until it is time to stop, take a break, or do something new.  

This Wisdom Wednesday [is 19 minutes and 15 seconds and] has chapters within it to help you get what you need from each video. I hope you enjoy it!

Thank you! Many blessings to you and much Love!

Cultivating Peace in Uncertainty

Our most recent Weekly Predictions shed light on the difference between boredom and peace. This video will bring you a new perspective on drama and how to make a peaceful contribution to yourself, others, and the world. As we live in such uncertain and volatile times, this video is the peaceful and empowering reminder you need.

To further assist you in navigating your life and relationships with trust, love, and confidence—Spirit guided me to create additional healing transmissions called Wisdom Wednesdays and to put these in video form! Think of this new endeavor as your “spiritual coaching companion” to the Weekly Predictions!  As always, I will do this until it is time to stop, take a break, or do something new.  

This Wisdom Wednesday [is 12 minutes and 47 seconds and] will help you cultivate peace in these uncertain and intense times. I hope you enjoy it!

Thank you! Many blessings to you and much Love!

Transcend Distractions & Drama

Our most recent Weekly Predictions talked about the drama that comes with taking a leap of faith.  This is a must-watch for us sensitive souls who are prone to drama and who are ready to see and transcend the Illusion of Drama and enjoy the process.

To further assist you in navigating your life and relationships with trust, love, and confidence—Spirit guided me to create additional healing transmissions called Wisdom Wednesdays and to put these in video form! Think of this new endeavor as your “spiritual coaching companion” to the Weekly Predictions!  As always, I will do this until it is time to stop, take a break, or do something new.  

This Wisdom Wednesday [is 9  minutes and 35 seconds and] will help you move through perceived drama with grace, trust, and confidence. I hope you enjoy it!

Thank you! Many blessings to you and much Love!

Self-Love on Steroids

In our most recent Weekly Predictions, we touched upon Venus vibes—the blessings of the material in beauty, prosperity, art, and relationships. In this Wisdom Wednesday, you are asked to love yourself by honoring your Venus energy. This video is a must-watch to know how the Illusion of Sacrifice pushes love away and what you can do to activate those good Venus vibes.

To further assist you in navigating your life and relationships with trust, love, and confidence—Spirit guided me to create additional healing transmissions called Wisdom Wednesdays and to put these in video form! Think of this new endeavor as your “spiritual coaching companion” to the Weekly Predictions!  As always, I will do this until it is time to stop, take a break, or do something new.  

This Wisdom Wednesday [is 10  minutes and 44 seconds and] is great to help you attract lasting love! I hope you enjoy it!

Thank you! Many blessings to you and much Love!

Get Out Of Your Head

Our most recent Weekly Predictions shed light on receiving messages from your higher self, noticing the collaborative forces around you, and feeling the passion and love of another. The purpose of this Wisdom Wednesday is to show you how you unknowingly block yourself from receiving via the Illusion of Absorption, one of the Illusions of Relationship™! This video is a must-watch if you are ready to write a different inner narrative and attract real love and the results that you want! 

To further assist you in navigating your life and relationships with trust, love, and confidence—Spirit guided me to create additional healing transmissions called Wisdom Wednesdays and to put these in video form! Think of this new endeavor as your “spiritual coaching companion” to the Weekly Predictions!  As always, I will do this until it is time to stop, take a break, or do something new.  

This Wisdom Wednesday [is 11  minutes and 30 seconds and] is wonderful to help you de-program yourself! I hope you enjoy it!

Thank you! Many blessings to you and much Love!

Overcoming Self-Sabotage

Our most recent Weekly Predictions shed light on opportunities to experience our purpose and warned us of tendencies to self-sabotage. This video will speak to overcoming self-sabotage and how to move past it when activating your purpose. You will see this through the perspective of the Illusions of Relationship™, a system that your soul will love, but your Junior, our word for ego, won’t.

To further assist you in navigating your life and relationships with trust, love, and confidence—Spirit guided me to create additional healing transmissions called Wisdom Wednesdays and to put these in video form! Think of this new endeavor as your “spiritual coaching companion” to the Weekly Predictions!  As always, I will do this until it is time to stop, take a break, or do something new.  

This Wisdom Wednesday [is 13 minutes and 37 seconds] and is a must watch to assist you in stopping self-sabotage. 

Thank you! Many blessings to you and much Love!

Bullshit Awareness Week

Our most recent Weekly Predictions shed light on transformation, new beginnings, and letting go of the past. As you move deeper into your highest potential, you will encounter various forms of “egoic resistance,” or the ways in which Junior will distract you from your path.

To further assist you in navigating your life and relationships with trust, love, and confidence—Spirit guided me to create additional healing transmissions called Wisdom Wednesdays and to put these in video form! Think of this new endeavor as your “spiritual coaching companion” to the Weekly Predictions!  As always, I will do this until it is time to stop, take a break, or do something new.  

This Wisdom Wednesday [is 12 minutes and 53 seconds] and a must-watch for people who want to be aware of their own bullshit and use it to move forward on their path of transformation. I hope you enjoy it!

Thank you! Many blessings to you and much Love!

Cut the Confusion Illusion

Our most recent Weekly Predictions was about cutting the confusion and tapping into our individual expression. This video will show you what it takes to cut through the confusion with a unique perspective on the Illusion of Absorption and the Illusion of Drama. This video is delivered with so much love, but it’s still a little spicy, so while your Junior, our word for ego, may not like it, your soul definitely will! 🙂 

To further assist you in navigating your life and relationships with trust, love, and confidence—Spirit guided me to create additional healing transmissions called Wisdom Wednesdays and to put these in video form! Think of this new endeavor as your “spiritual coaching companion” to the Weekly Predictions!  As always, I will do this until it is time to stop, take a break, or do something new.  

This Wisdom Wednesday [is 12 minutes and 36 seconds] and is wonderful for your clarity. I hope you enjoy it!

Thank you! Many blessings to you and much Love!

Self-love for intense and uncertain times

Hello and welcome to Wisdom Wednesday. I’m Lauren Kay Wyatt, your psychic spiritual advisor, pet psychic, and transformational coach. On this Wisdom Wednesday—which, by the way, Wisdom Wednesdays are the spiritual companion to my Weekly Predictions—which, if you don’t know already: every Friday, I send my community free weekly psychic predictions to assist you in navigating with trust, love, and confidence. So if you’re not on my list, please sign up. All of that information is in the description of this video.

Okay, so this Wisdom Wednesday has to do with an aspect of what happens when we’re dealing with intensity. So you know, sometimes things happen that are really intense? This can be world events, it can be different ebbs and flows, deaths and rebirths that we have within our own lives—being a human is not always the easiest thing. I hope that these videos and the Weekly Predictions that I send out—really I hope all of, really help it to be a more uplifting and even satisfying, peaceful, sometimes even awesome experience.

But, whatever it is during intense times, it is so important that no matter what is happening, you can remind yourself that this is just a moment. Not long ago all of us collectively went through a huge change globally, and collectively that happened in 2020. It brought up so much for all of us and definitely for all of us globally and collectively as well when times of intensity happen, it’s always important to acknowledge, yes, you know this is just a moment. Life ebbs and life flows. Sometimes things really are out of our control or seem out of our control, and the best thing we can do is be aware of how we’re responding. If we’re in a place of doom and gloom, need to be where we are and acknowledge how we feel. It’s a part of the whole process—that’s okay. It’s just not a place where you need to live—you don’t want to stay in Doom and Gloom because it’s really hard to create from there.  

What I mean by “create” is, as a human being, you are a spiritual being having this physical experience. Being a human is highly creative. We have this life force energy here on this planet that, hey, we can do all sorts of things with, we can build beautiful places, we can make amazing families, our own businesses, art—it just goes on and on.

So when you’re in a place of doom and gloom, and if you live there and stay there, it can be hard to create—from that loving place to a place that brings you to new heights. Now, when we’re in times that are really painful and really intense—we can also use that resistance and that intensity to create something new through an uplevel—this is what a spiritual catalyst does!

So if you’re in a moment right now where you’re just going through it—maybe you’re feeling the doom and gloom, maybe you feel a little numb—like you don’t know how to respond, maybe lots of emotions are bubbling up—whatever it is—always, we want to sit with ourselves, love ourselves, be where we are, but also remember where you are going.

Wherever you are going, your vision may look different from my vision, but it’s my hope that it’s all from this creative energy, and it’s all love based. Even if something doesn’t feel loving or great in the moment, it’s not yet processed. It’s still unfolding, and it’s up to you to trust that even if something doesn’t make sense now—even if things are painful now [that] because you are love and because what you ultimately want to experience is love—and again: I don’t just mean romantic love—that’s a beautiful wonderful thing or feeling loved and appreciated by others—these are beautiful and wonderful things as well, and this is a part of it but it’s also the adventure that you want for your precious human life and it all comes down to love.

So, know that if it’s not happening now, you’re in the middle of it. There’s a Spiritual Catalyst, a fork in the road, that is going to propel you to your next level, so surrender.

Sometimes, we need to wait for Clarity on what’s next, but whatever it is, I want you to know that you are loved and that everything is going to be okay—even if it doesn’t feel like that in the moment.

So thank you for spending time with me. I’m Lauren Kay Wyatt, your psychic, spiritual advisor, pet psychic, and transformational coach. I’ll be in touch with you next week with another Wisdom Wednesday. If you’re on my mailing list, I will be in your inbox on Friday with some weekly psychic predictions to assist you in navigating with trust, love, and confidence. Please know that I love you. Thank you.