What is the Illusion of Sacrifice (in the Illusions of Relationship™ System?)

What is the Illusion of Sacrifice (in the Illusions of Relationship™ System?)


Watch the video here 👉  https://youtu.be/tZoU5q6esZA

Or read the transcription below…which is fine but you may not fully receive all of the love that is available to you in this healing transmission if you only read about it 👇 👇 👇

Hi, I am Lauren Kay Wyatt. I am an Intuitive Coach, the founder of Love Renegades, and the Creator of the Illusions of Relationship™ system. 

Today I want to connect with you about the Illusion of Sacrifice. The Illusion of Sacrifice is one of the Illusions of Relationship that causes you to disconnect from your own needs and to be completely tuned into the people around you. For example, you would intuit your partner’s needs, your friends needs, your children’s needs, but that you would be completely disconnected when it comes to your own needs.

While it is a beautiful thing to be so caring and loving and while it is a super power to know other people’s needs, the dysfunctional side of it is being codependent and to really expect other people to give you what you give them–when one of your super powers is giving. 

So what will really support you in breaking free of the Illusion of Sacrifice is making a commitment to connect with your own heart and to treat yourself the way that you treat other people by tending to your own needs. 

Now this may take some deep self-reflective work that might feel kind of scary.   I encourage you to be courageous. At Love Renegades we say Courage is the Vehicle of Love. I encourage you to really go for it. 

Go for it in getting to know yourself and in getting to love yourself. Explore those shadows so that you can break free and be free and so that other people will love you the way that you love them and so that you can even have a higher level of that ideal. 

Healing with Hope

Hope is a powerful energy, that when used in its highest and purest form, can help you heal and transform! With hope, you can create, receive, and attract higher levels of Love in your life and relationships. Amazing right?

But when “false hope” is applied—or when hope is dismissed as something meaningless and unimportant—this wonderful healing opportunity can go to waste.

By watching this video, you will connect with your heart’s wisdom and gain an understanding of genuine hope and how you can apply it to your life and relationships on an ongoing basis so that you can experience more love, joy, and freedom.

Watch it here====> https://youtu.be/oNdSP8vUNVU

Energy Replenishing for Empaths

Being an empath is beautiful.  Being able to connect so deeply with another and be able to feel their emotions is a beautiful gift. The problem is when we are experiencing the less desirable aspects of being so sensitive such as feeling depleting or not realizing that the pain you are feeling is not even your own. In this video,  you will gain insight into how you can replenish your energy.

Watch here: https://youtu.be/Z9sxHiv4pWA

In this video, I shed light on the Illusion of Sacrifice, one of the six Illusions of Relationship™.

Feels, Emotions, Relationships and DRAMA

The Law of Drama is the Law of Relationship™ that separates us from love with dramatic experiences, over-reactions, resentments, and mistaking our [very loud] feelings for our intuition.

To break the Law of Drama we must accept that when we take steps toward transforming our circumstances—either in attracting our ideal partner, healing our broken hearts, enhancing our current relationship, or in up-leveling other parts of our lives—we are making a conscious choice to instigate change our lives.

When we choose to change, Drama knocks on our door ready to support us with the transformation we desire.

Most of us, when we experience drama, get lost in negative loops of thought and emotion. This may cause us to abandon our plans for transformation and to sabotage our progress. We may tell ourselves that we are not on the right path. We may doubt everything that we used to feel so strongly about before. Those of us who choose to break the law of drama, transcend the drama by rising above it.

See how this plays out in this “Law of Drama Case Study” with Lauren Wenzell. Lauren is a courageous, sensitive soul who writes beautiful poetry (you can check out her work on Instagram at @laurenspeacefulpoetry) and who works with children with autism. This time last year Lauren came face-to-face with the Law of Drama when her father died and just a mere few days later her longterm boyfriend broke up with her!

Watch to find out how she found her power in one of the hardest (and certainly most dramatic) times of her life here=====> https://youtu.be/bGfGcN1SSIE