Cut the Confusion Illusion

Our most recent Weekly Predictions was about cutting the confusion and tapping into our individual expression. This video will show you what it takes to cut through the confusion with a unique perspective on the Illusion of Absorption and the Illusion of Drama. This video is delivered with so much love, but it’s still a little spicy, so while your Junior, our word for ego, may not like it, your soul definitely will! 🙂 

To further assist you in navigating your life and relationships with trust, love, and confidence—Spirit guided me to create additional healing transmissions called Wisdom Wednesdays and to put these in video form! Think of this new endeavor as your “spiritual coaching companion” to the Weekly Predictions!  As always, I will do this until it is time to stop, take a break, or do something new.  

This Wisdom Wednesday [is 12 minutes and 36 seconds] and is wonderful for your clarity. I hope you enjoy it!

Thank you! Many blessings to you and much Love!

Self-love for intense and uncertain times

Hello and welcome to Wisdom Wednesday. I’m Lauren Kay Wyatt, your psychic spiritual advisor, pet psychic, and transformational coach. On this Wisdom Wednesday—which, by the way, Wisdom Wednesdays are the spiritual companion to my Weekly Predictions—which, if you don’t know already: every Friday, I send my community free weekly psychic predictions to assist you in navigating with trust, love, and confidence. So if you’re not on my list, please sign up. All of that information is in the description of this video.

Okay, so this Wisdom Wednesday has to do with an aspect of what happens when we’re dealing with intensity. So you know, sometimes things happen that are really intense? This can be world events, it can be different ebbs and flows, deaths and rebirths that we have within our own lives—being a human is not always the easiest thing. I hope that these videos and the Weekly Predictions that I send out—really I hope all of, really help it to be a more uplifting and even satisfying, peaceful, sometimes even awesome experience.

But, whatever it is during intense times, it is so important that no matter what is happening, you can remind yourself that this is just a moment. Not long ago all of us collectively went through a huge change globally, and collectively that happened in 2020. It brought up so much for all of us and definitely for all of us globally and collectively as well when times of intensity happen, it’s always important to acknowledge, yes, you know this is just a moment. Life ebbs and life flows. Sometimes things really are out of our control or seem out of our control, and the best thing we can do is be aware of how we’re responding. If we’re in a place of doom and gloom, need to be where we are and acknowledge how we feel. It’s a part of the whole process—that’s okay. It’s just not a place where you need to live—you don’t want to stay in Doom and Gloom because it’s really hard to create from there.  

What I mean by “create” is, as a human being, you are a spiritual being having this physical experience. Being a human is highly creative. We have this life force energy here on this planet that, hey, we can do all sorts of things with, we can build beautiful places, we can make amazing families, our own businesses, art—it just goes on and on.

So when you’re in a place of doom and gloom, and if you live there and stay there, it can be hard to create—from that loving place to a place that brings you to new heights. Now, when we’re in times that are really painful and really intense—we can also use that resistance and that intensity to create something new through an uplevel—this is what a spiritual catalyst does!

So if you’re in a moment right now where you’re just going through it—maybe you’re feeling the doom and gloom, maybe you feel a little numb—like you don’t know how to respond, maybe lots of emotions are bubbling up—whatever it is—always, we want to sit with ourselves, love ourselves, be where we are, but also remember where you are going.

Wherever you are going, your vision may look different from my vision, but it’s my hope that it’s all from this creative energy, and it’s all love based. Even if something doesn’t feel loving or great in the moment, it’s not yet processed. It’s still unfolding, and it’s up to you to trust that even if something doesn’t make sense now—even if things are painful now [that] because you are love and because what you ultimately want to experience is love—and again: I don’t just mean romantic love—that’s a beautiful wonderful thing or feeling loved and appreciated by others—these are beautiful and wonderful things as well, and this is a part of it but it’s also the adventure that you want for your precious human life and it all comes down to love.

So, know that if it’s not happening now, you’re in the middle of it. There’s a Spiritual Catalyst, a fork in the road, that is going to propel you to your next level, so surrender.

Sometimes, we need to wait for Clarity on what’s next, but whatever it is, I want you to know that you are loved and that everything is going to be okay—even if it doesn’t feel like that in the moment.

So thank you for spending time with me. I’m Lauren Kay Wyatt, your psychic, spiritual advisor, pet psychic, and transformational coach. I’ll be in touch with you next week with another Wisdom Wednesday. If you’re on my mailing list, I will be in your inbox on Friday with some weekly psychic predictions to assist you in navigating with trust, love, and confidence. Please know that I love you. Thank you.

Unlocking Your Leap of Faith


Hi, and welcome to Wisdom Wednesday. I’m Lauren Kay Wyatt, your psychic, spiritual advisor, pet psychic, and transformational coach. I’m here to connect with you on Wisdom Wednesday, which is the spiritual coaching companion to our Weekly Predictions.

If you don’t already know, every Friday in the United States morning, I send out weekly psychic predictions to my mailing list for free. This is a tool that supports you in navigating with trust, love, and confidence. I’ve been guided to do these Wisdom Wednesdays to further assist you in having a great life.

So, this Wisdom Wednesday talks to us about what taking a leap of faith means. Now, in the Weekly Predictions, I sent out questions that are really good coaching questions. 

One of [the questions] was, “What would you do if you had 100% certainty that everything would be okay?” The other side of [this question] is, “What would you stop doing if you knew that everything would be great?”

Your answers to [these questions] inform you of where the energy wants to go within you. Now, if one of your answers is, “Oh, I would just like to quit my job and cross my fingers and hope that I win the lottery, um, that’s taking a leap of faith.” Okay, that’s not what we’re talking about. 

Yes, it can be really, really good to acknowledge that because it can shed light into that maybe your job isn’t aligned for you anymore, but just stopping your job and, you know, hoping that you win the lottery, that everything works out great, that other people support you—that is not going to create the results that you want. 

So as for how we can really apply this concept of taking a leap—what it might mean in this context of [the example of] not having the job that you have any more would be to maybe start looking into other forms of work that feel good to you; work where you feel appreciated. 

Also, listing out the qualities of what it is that you are looking for and feeling into what that authentic vision is for your life—and it also it doesn’t have to be extravagant. 

You may just want some more rest and relaxation, and if that’s the case, I would say what’s stopping you from giving that to yourself right now? What belief here tells you that you’re not deserving of more rest or relaxation? 

You may want to start your own business—that’s amazing! Many of us know so much goes into having your own business. So start talking to other people who have their own businesses, start exploring these different options, start taking the leap of faith by letting yourself really feel what it is that you want, and acknowledge yourself! 

What is it that you want? Maybe it’s that you don’t want to be in a relationship or a certain relationship anymore. There may be a dynamic that you’ve tolerated for too long such as certain people calling you to complain. This example of complaining people came up in our last Wisdom Wednesday!

But anyway, this is your opportunity to set the boundary and get clear on what you want. Sometimes when we’ve really built that foundation—so with the example of your business like let’s say it is time to quit that job that you don’t like anymore; you already have some opportunities and clients lined up so it might be a good time to take that leap of faith. 

You may be wondering, “How do I know for sure?” The thing is to really embrace that maybe certainty is its own type of Illusion. The only thing certain is really it’s uncertainty, isn’t it?

This can feel really scary, but let that feel expansive, and you’ll see that so much is possible for you. If you’re brave enough to want something, it’s in your energy field, and you will get certain signs about how to allow that to unfold in your life. 

There are different ways that this works. One way that has really assisted me in making decisions—and it’s helped my clients a lot, too—is this tool that I use (one of the many tools that I use) with my clients called Human Design.

Human design is amazing for decision making. It lets us know how we’re wired and how it’s best for us to take that leap of faith.

So let me know if you, what you know about Human Design. If that’s interesting to you I do offer these as readings. I don’t teach it. I highly recommend my friend and human design teacher’s book. I’ll have this in the comments as well or in the description of the email as well.

But back to taking a leap of faith—having full trust that everything will be okay. So, know this: if you do not like your current job right now, there is something better for you. You first need to be brave enough to admit that you would like something else and to connect with yourself about what that might be. Then after that, you really need to allow it to unfold within your life, because we talked about detachment in the Wisdom Wednesday before.

So what we don’t want to do is totally attach to like “Oh my dream job has to look like this.” Sometimes, I talk to different people telling me about their dream relationship, and they list all these things or [say things like] he checks all the boxes, but it’s like,  “well maybe go outside the boxes?” 

Because when we are too specific—and it’s not so much even about being—it’s this whole energy of being like overly attached to how something shows up—we can miss the little signs that the Universe is giving us and sometimes we can push really really hard when there’s actually something better for us.

So, when you take a leap of faith—really take a leap of faith—be honest with yourself, see what’s in your environment, and stay detached—no micromanaging the Universe. Let it unfold, but also be true to your own unique wiring and be able and willing to find out what that is.

So thank you so much for spending time with me today. I’m Lauren Kay Wyatt, your psychic, spiritual advisor, pet psychic, and transformational coach. 

I’ll be in touch next week with another Wisdom Wednesday. If you’re on my mailing list—which please sign up if you’re not—you’ll receive your Weekly Predictions on Friday in the United States morning. 

So, thank you so much, and we will talk soon.

Practicing Detachment for Healthy Boundaries


Hello and welcome to Wisdom Wednesday. I’m Lauren Kay Wyatt, your psychic, spiritual advisor, pet psychic, and transformational coach. 

Okay, so this Wisdom Wednesday—by the way—Wisdom Wednesdays are our spiritual coaching accompaniment to the Weekly Predictions that I send my community every Friday.

So if you’re not on my mailing list already, please sign up. You can do that on my website. All of that’s in the description of this video, and when you do, you receive weekly psychic predictions for free every Friday to assist you in navigating your week with trust, love, and confidence.

Okay, so back to Wisdom Wednesday—what we are connecting about today are these themes of detachment, “being the witness,” and how this really is an opportunity to practice healthy boundaries.

So before I go any further, it is amazing to have good boundaries. When we have good boundaries, we are really tuned in to what we would like from other people, and we can also let them know what they can expect from us.

It’s always a good way for you to be aware of what kind of terms you have in the relationships that you’re in; and what your expectations are. When you can communicate those expectations, you can see if they’re appropriate to the relationship or not, and you can also allow for more love and feelings of well-being to come into your relationship.

When you’re aware of what you would like, what you wouldn’t like, what you’re willing to give, and what you’re not—for instance—in my business, one boundary that I set with myself is [ON THE WEEKENDS] not be on the computer as much, to not check or respond to emails—even with my VIP clients unless it’s an emergency situation. This really assists us in cultivating a divine independence where there’s support and boundaries—which allows me to take care of myself more, sets an example for clients, and lets them know what they can expect from me. It’s awesome, and I feel like it really up-levels the work we’re doing together.

So with all of this being said about healthy boundaries, it’s also really important to be in a place of detachment, and here’s something that I’ve run up against; what I’ve seen within me and my clients is sometimes we can hear this word “Detachment” and we can go into the mistaken thinking that what that means is that we don’t care about a situation or we’re lacking compassion for another person. 

It’s mistaken thinking [to believe that.] It’s an illusion. It’s not true. So it’s okay if you feel that way about detachment, but it’s also something for you to be aware of. So when I say “Detachment,” I mean practicing this art of “being the Divine Witness.” 

Let’s say somebody calls you to maybe, I don’t know, I don’t know, complain about something or there’s something really stressful happening in the world. Believe me—with the intensity that we have having—it is really stressful out there. It might really feel like I’m downplaying it, but when there’s a stressful situation and when you feel the pressure of expectations coming on you about how to respond and what to do or if you’re very sensitive and empathic like me or a lot of my clients—the thing is you may feel the other person’s emotions. 

It might feel really intense for you, and you should get in there and help them. Or if there’s a stressful situation, you may want to get in there and go for it; however, that is not always helpful. There is much to be said about taking action and “being the solution to the problem.” However, sometimes it can come from this messy place that lacks boundaries, and it can go into these patterns of just maybe not wanting to feel what’s happening, maybe not wanting to see fully what’s happening, but getting into old patterns of how you viewed and how you felt about these highly stressed, stressful situations and relationship dynamics…

Let’s say somebody does call you to complain or someone’s in fear—before you answer the call check in with yourself on whether or not you have enough energy. Again, if you don’t, that’s okay. It doesn’t mean that you don’t care. It means that you care about yourself, and as we’ve discussed, we need to treat ourselves the way we want other people to treat us.

Make sure that you really want to talk to that person. This is a form of being honest, and when you’re honest with yourself, it really helps. When you’re willing to act on that honesty, it really helps a relationship.

Now when you go to talk to the person—and it might be an uncomfortable conversation—make sure that you’re in your energy, that you’re grounded, and that you’re ready. 

When connecting with the other person, notice how you feel. Notice if your heart’s beating—whatever is happening—take a moment to step away and be the Divine Witness of the situation.

Now this is an art that you can practice over time. It may not happen right away. It may not happen in every conversation, but when you’re not in the dynamic anymore, or when you’re not in the stressful situation anymore—it’s always a good idea to step away, to take a few deep breaths, to kind of review what happened, and to be honest with yourself about how you felt, what your thoughts were in the conversation, and what your motivation was.  

This helps you cultivate self-awareness, and it can also help you detach from the situation. So it’s not being engulfed by the pain of what’s happening. Instead, it’s acknowledging it; feeling it, but also noticing that there are other perspectives—other data if you will—for you to collect.

This is something that I would like for you to experiment with. This week, you can start by checking in with yourself. If you feel triggered by other people or different situations or content that you come across, that’s always a great opportunity to practice removing yourself, detaching, and really being honest with yourself about how you feel the sensations in your body, the emotions, and the thoughts and recognizing that there’s so much more to the situation than what you might be able to immediately see and perceive.

So thank you for spending time with me today on Wisdom Wednesday. I’m Lauren Kay Wyatt, your psychic, spiritual advisor, pet psychic, and transformational coach. If you’re on my mailing list already, you will receive your weekly predictions on Friday in the U.S., on Friday morning, and I will also be in touch next week with another Wisdom Wednesday.

There’s also a secret list that I have that gives you a psychic message every day, and you can find out more about that later on as well. In the meantime, thank you so much. Love to you!

The Message You Need to Stop Feeling Drained!

Hi. Welcome to “Wisdom Wednesday.” I’m Lauren Kay Wyatt, your psychic, spiritual advisor, pet psychic, and transformational coach.

Let’s talk about people. More specifically, [let’s talk about] people and all the different energies and perspectives and perceptions that come along when you are with a lot of people.

So, when you’re just in a dynamic with one person—whether it’s on Zoom or the phone or you’re meeting for coffee or a date out with your significant other—whatever it is—your energy is with their energy. Both of you are impacting each other, whether you’re aware of it or not. 

When you’re in a group setting—all those different people and all of those different energy fields are all there together. Again, whether it’s in person, on Zoom—whatever it is [and with however many people are there]—sometimes it’s really easy to get swept up in how the other person is influencing you or how the group of people is impacting your energy.

 This isn’t about, “oh I need to have boundaries. I don’t want anyone to get in. I don’t want to be influenced by anything.” —[all of that] can definitely be an experience that can make things even more wild than [it needs] to be and definitely more dramatic than [it needs] to be! 

The best thing you can do—in any of these situations—whether you’re attending a conference or you’re going on a date, you’re working in a coffee shop or you’re just hanging out at home, whatever it is—is to be aware of yourself!

Before everything that you do, check in with your own energy, breathe, and remind yourself of Who You Are and how you would like to feel in any of these interactions that you’re in. Remember what you stand for as well. 

What I mean by this, specifically, is when we’re in groups of people [such as a] family gathering—whatever it is—[a work situation even]—we can really get swept up by how the whole group thinks or how we think we’re supposed to think. 

Again, it’s really good to be aware of who you are, how you want to feel, and what you want to experience. 

Now, this doesn’t mean that if you’re not quite in agreement with anyone that you have to—oh, I don’t know—get into a fight or have a conflict with someone. No, it’s simply being aware of what’s yours, what’s theirs, and how you feel. 

They’re telling me this also goes for social media. So, whenever you go to check your phone to see your likes—or whatever it is—ask yourself, “why am I checking my social right now? Is it out of boredom? What do I want to get? What am I seeking?

Remind yourself of Who You Are. All of these things that we’ve just talked about will really empower your energy. You will definitely feel more energized, more vibrant, and you’ll get to enjoy these relationships and social settings all the more.

Thank you so much for tuning in. I am Lauren Kay Wyatt, your psychic, spiritual advisor, pet psychic, and transformational coach. 

If you’re on my email list, you will receive your weekly predictions along with a channeled healing transmission for you in your inbox every U.S. morning. 

If you’re not on my mailing list, please go ahead and sign up. I would love to have you as a part of our community. Thank you so much.

Authentic Flow of Abundance!

Hi, thank you so much for watching. It’s “Wisdom Wednesday.” I’m Lauren Kay Wyatt, your psychic, your spiritual advisor, your pet psychic, and your transformational coach

Let’s talk about abundance and more accurately let’s speak to the part of yourself that feels a little challenged by abundance.

There may be parts of you that feel like maybe things are unfair or that you’re not receiving enough, that things aren’t happening quickly enough, etc.

So really in this talk about abundance, we are going to spend some time talking about the absence of abundance; as you’re experiencing it.

The Universal Law of Polarity lets us know that we cannot fully know and understand what something is if we do not know what its polar opposite is.

So right now we’re talking about abundance through what abundance is not. This would be through really noticing and maybe having an emotional reaction to the parts of your life that don’t feel abundant; the parts of your life that you feel are lacking. Yes this has to do with finances, your bank account.

It can also be within your relationships—where maybe you feel like you’re not receiving enough love from your partner or from your friends, etc.

Whatever it is, there is a perception of lack here. For the purposes of our time together, let’s get back [to talking about] the opposite of abundance. Right now what’s coming through is: know that when you’re experiencing lack, the answer is not to trick yourself into all of a sudden being abundant and grateful.

No. What we’re asking you to do is to look at the actions that you take which come from a place of fear and a place of lack. 

For instance, maybe within your friendships you do things that you don’t really want to do. [You do things that don’t] energize you but you’re hoping that it’s going to result in something.

Or, you’re doing things because this [action] is what a “good friend” would do. Or maybe within your primary relationship, or it doesn’t even have to be with your significant other. It can be with other people in your life.  

Maybe you’re really focused on being right and having the last word. Yes, you’re a junior—that’s what we call ego around here—your Junior may think that they enjoy feeling right about everything, but isn’t it kind of draining to always have to prove your point and be right?

In other words, any action that is draining any action that doesn’t ultimately feel good—it might be like a “quick hit” [where junior says,] “yes I got the last word.”  

But, we know those things don’t last forever, and the same cycle repeats itself which causes this void, this lack, and this emptiness.

Or at work—maybe you’re at a job that you’ve been in too long, maybe it’s time to renegotiate with your boss about different things that you could do or not do.

If you have a business, maybe it’s time to change how you do certain aspects of your business. All of these things may not totally seem like they’re directly related to abundance or to money, but they are impacting your prosperity and your abundance!

So, what’s coming through for you is to use this time to look at [these questions:] 

  • What do I do that I feel drains me?
  • What drains me?
  • Are there any relationships where I feel drained?
  • Are there things that feel good that I could be doing but I’m not doing?

 Really look at where you’re putting your energy. Commit to making some new choices—choices that feel like abundance.

What does abundance feel like in your body?

What’s the one word or short phrase that comes into your awareness when you feel in abundance? Having all the money that you want in the bank? Spending time with who you want? Being treated the way you want to be treated?

Feel that!

And take actions that feel that way.

Thank you so much for tuning in for this “Wisdom Wednesday.” I’m Lauren Kay Wyatt, your psychic, spiritual advisor, pet psychic, and transformational coach.

If you’re not already on my email list,  please sign up because every Friday morning in the U.S., I send out [free] weekly predictions to help my community navigate with love, trust, and confidence.

Thank you.