Our most recent Weekly Predictions shed light on our collective need for certainty and how our Junior (my word for ego) tries to create a false sense of security by micromanaging ourselves and other people—which creates a fear of intimacy!
I wanted to make sure that this Wisdom Wednesday gave you practical tips on how to address this need for certainty and a fear of intimacy that will help you create genuine trust, confidence, and safety. This is a must-watch for people who want more intimacy in their relationships and who are ready to go deep.
To further assist you in navigating your life and relationships with trust, love, and confidence—Spirit guided me to create additional healing transmissions called Wisdom Wednesdays and to put these in video form! Think of this new endeavor as your “spiritual coaching companion” to the Weekly Predictions! As always, I will do this until it is time to stop, take a break, or do something new.
This Wisdom Wednesday [is 19 minutes and 15 seconds and] has chapters within it to help you get what you need from each video. I hope you enjoy it!
Heartbreak is a form of suffering and everyone will suffer in some way or another. Here’s the truth…
If you are courageous enough to allow yourself to be in a relationship, then heartbreak is an inevitable experience.
Instead of trying to escape the pain, feel resentful, or blame someone else for your own unhappiness, why not heal your heart instead?
Really, choosing to heal is one of the most rebellious and courageous things that you can do.
In the video, I go shed light on heartbreak and its negative effects on you, your passion, and your relationships.
To take it a step further, please accept my invitation to attend Soul Level Healing for Your Broken Heart, an interactive and virtual event that I am hosting on Wednesday, May 18, 2016 at 2 PM Central time where:
You can receive a mini reading or coaching (either directly from me or by watching someone else)
Begin to heal your heart
Expand your heart and vision to what’s possible for you in your love life
Receive practical action steps for what’s next
To attend the event, you must RSVP by subscribing to the event. Here’s how:
Go to https://blab.im/ on your desktop and get a Blab im account.
If you want to use your smart phone get the Blab im app on your iPhone. If you have an Android, you may need to use Chrome as a browser.
When you are in blab, type my name “laurenkaywyatt” in the searchbar. When you see my picture, click on it and then click on my Blab, Soul-level Healing for Your Broken Heart and subscribe.
Or try going directly to the event page by clicking here.
I look forward to giving great information, live readings, and coaching where you will receive:
Healing secrets to release relationship woes
Strategies on reclaiming your freedom and passion
If you want to interact with me on the call, please let me know! 🙂
And if you want to get right to it and private conversation with me about your love life, then apply for your very own Love Life Makeover Session with me.
These sessions are available by application-only and are reserved for people who are committed to healing and having their best relationships.
Have you heard the expression that you can’t find love until you love yourself? How do you feel about that saying?
I believe that while there is some truth to this well-known saying, the underlying wisdom of the popular self-love concept has been neglected.
To shed some light, I created a video for you to explore the concept of self-love through what it is NOT and how to make love-based choices to experience your best relationships and results that you love.
Have you ever had one of those moments where you made a big choice?
This is the type of choice where you can seriously feel your heart thudding against your chest.
This is what courage feels like.
When was the last time you were courageous? Was it standing up to someone? Was it making a bold move? Was it giving yourself something that you really, really desired?
There are three distinctly courageous choices that have shaped my life to be what it is today. Here they are in no particular order:
Coming out of the psychic/healer closet
One was committing to and marrying my husband, Daniel
Becoming vegan
I even made a video where I go into a little more detail on how these choices altered the course of my life.
When you make a choice that is authentic to your heart’s desire and to your soul’s truth:
You become more and more irresistible.
You allow a part of you to become unearthed and align more and more fully to who you really are and what you desire.
You stop caring about what other people think.
You start aligning more and more to love.
To courageously follow your heart is an act of love.
Courage leads to love. Love creates love. Love is irresistible.