Hello, Drama, My Old Friend! When Drama arrives in your life, it could mean that you in the middle of the manifestation process and in the middle of creating real lasting change! OR it can mean that you are under the influence of the Illusion of Drama, one of the Illusions of Relationship™ that pushes love away from you with a misuse of the powerful energy of Drama!
Watch our latest video and receive the healing transmission here==> https://youtu.be/EL1lsxJc4xwhttps://youtu.be/EL1lsxJc4xw
Read the transcript below 👇 👇 👇
Today I want to connect with you about the Illusion of Drama. The Illusion of Drama is the third of our Illusions of Relationship™ System that disconnects you from your heart and separates you from Love with a lot of drama, with a lot of distraction.
When we are caught into the Illusion of Drama, it is usually when things are so chaotic and busy, and when there is a lot of conflict within and relationship dynamics and within ourselves. When that is happening it is really important for you to tune in and to really be aware of how you can be the most authentic.
Are you emoting and creating drama for drama’s sake? Are you talking about your problems so that you can get attention? Or are you on the verge of a big empowerment opportunity and healing breakthrough in your life and your life is simply aligning to create that.
Drama is a part of the transformation and healing process and it is really important during this time that you go into it with a loving open heart, with a commitment to being authentic, and to step into your transformation with clarity and with a knowing that it is all working out in your favor.
Are you caught in the Illusion of Drama? Want to find out for sure? Take the free Quiz and find out which Illusion of Relationship™ is influencing you here: https://laurenkaywyatt.com/quiz/
Want to go deep and receive empowered support? Contact lauren at love renegades dot com and request a free session.
The Law of Drama is the Law of Relationship™ that separates us from love with dramatic experiences, over-reactions, resentments, and mistaking our [very loud] feelings for our intuition.
To break the Law of Drama we must accept that when we take steps toward transforming our circumstances—either in attracting our ideal partner, healing our broken hearts, enhancing our current relationship, or in up-leveling other parts of our lives—we are making a conscious choice to instigate change our lives.
When we choose to change, Drama knocks on our door ready to support us with the transformation we desire.
Most of us, when we experience drama, get lost in negative loops of thought and emotion. This may cause us to abandon our plans for transformation and to sabotage our progress. We may tell ourselves that we are not on the right path. We may doubt everything that we used to feel so strongly about before. Those of us who choose to break the law of drama, transcend the drama by rising above it.
See how this plays out in this “Law of Drama Case Study” with Lauren Wenzell. Lauren is a courageous, sensitive soul who writes beautiful poetry (you can check out her work on Instagram at @laurenspeacefulpoetry) and who works with children with autism. This time last year Lauren came face-to-face with the Law of Drama when her father died and just a mere few days later her longterm boyfriend broke up with her!
Watch to find out how she found her power in one of the hardest (and certainly most dramatic) times of her life here=====> https://youtu.be/bGfGcN1SSIE
Are you highly compassionate and empathetic and still experience being treated badly in your relationships?
If you answered yes, you need to break the Law of Sacrifice, one of the Laws of Relationship™ that separates you from love by urging you to put yourself last and drain yourself so that others will know how much you love you and love you in return.
Find out more about how you can identify the Law of Sacrifice in your own relationships by watching this video where I interview Katie on her experience in working with me and how she broke the Law of Sacrifice.
In this video we talk about things might be considered controversial in some personal development communities. All I ask is that you acknowledge how sacrifice plays out for you in your relationships.
Our feelings can get really hurt in our relationships and that sometimes it is really tough to move forward.
In this video I outline a perspective that my clients and I use to make sense of situations that are really tough emotionally and to be at peace when things do not go the way that we want them to go.
I highly recommend this perspective as it can really set you free and allow you to let more love into your relationships, life, and experience.
It was during the summer of 2009 when I wrote my first [and so far only] missed connection. I was living in my hometown, El Paso, TX, working a job I barely tolerated, and grappling with the predicament of being in love with two men at the same time.
To cope with these messy emotions and very complicated feelings I posted a missed connection on Craigslist. It was short, cryptic, and “punny.” I got responses from others–not the person for whom it was intended—wishing me well and relating to me their own experiences of pain, heartbreak, and lost love.
Fast forward 10 years—both men are currently in my life! One of them, my handsome husband, Daniel, I married in 2012. The other, remains a friend of both of ours! I look back on the relationship that inspired that missed connection post and I see it with eyes of love, gratitude, and even awe.
See, when it ended, my logical mind told me that I was a free spirit going through an existential crisis who wanted to join the Peace Corps and that my former partner was taking a completely different—let’s say safer and more level-headed approach—by buying a house and settling down. The practical thing to do, we both felt, was to go our separate ways.
Now, over a decade later, I see the breakup as a powerful catalyst.
I would not have been able to truly BE my highest potential if I had stayed in that relationship.
Yes, romantic love, sexual chemistry, friendship were all there with the first relationship. No question about it! But there were was a huge missing piece in our relationship that I could not even see at the time!
The missing piece pointed to the lack of connection I had with myself. The breakup, as painful as it was, *forced me to shed light on those forgotten parts of myself which eventually, through plenty of twists and turns and close calls, led to a domino effect of awesome-ness!
There is more to this story that I would love to share with you. For now I have decided to share a bit more of it in an interview I did for the Women Entrepreneurs RadioSecrets of Success series called “Breaking the Laws of [Relationship] for Success, the Love Renegade’s Way with Lauren Kay Wyatt.”
You see, in some form or another, every relationship we have is a reflection of ourselves. This is especially highlighted when it comes to our intimate relationships!
Like it or not, these important relationships DO impact our self-expression and the results and fulfillment we have in our professional lives—especially if that professional life includes being an entrepreneur!
With my “enlightened” perspective I see that if had stayed in that relationship, I would not have had the courage to fully embrace my psychic gifts and have the *nerve to start a business grounded in the “woo-woo arts.”
Furthermore, had I not have endured that gut-wrenching breakup, I would not have had the healing that allowed me to reconnect with my inner wisdom, unconditional love, and soul purpose.
This powerful reconnection, fueled by unapologetic self-love, allowed me to experience *radical changes* that would forever impact the way I approached my romantic relationships, friendships, family relationships, and even partnerships with clients and other leaders in my field.
These changes led to healing which ultimately led me to discover the Laws of Relationship™, the six universal patterns of illusion, that separate us from love and cause disruption, chaos, and frustration in our romantic lives, relationships, and professional endeavors.
To further illuminate the often overlooked phenomenon (a missed connection in of its own lol) of how your love life and relationships DO affect your professional life and the success of your business, I want to share an interview I did with Deb Bailey of Women Entrepreneurs Radio.
In this interview Deb and I talk about success and love in business with humor, candor, and through the looking glass of the Laws of Relationship (which, FYI, at the time of recording back in January 2019, I called the Laws of Love!)
Whether you are an entrepreneur, a team leader, and/or someone who prioritizes healing and love in all of its forms, this interview will support you in bridging the gap of a missed connection within yourself so that you can enjoy more of what you desire in your love life, your relationships, and professionally.