Can empaths find love too?
Are you an empath? In 2015 I made a video on my YouTube channel—back when I called my business Bee Loving Bee Wise, owned the title of Love Psychic, and for the most part, did not include my middle name when introducing myself. To my surprise I saw that this video has almost 4.5K views!! I had no idea the impact the video would make. Although I do not often use the word “empath” it is very much a part of my life and the lives of my clients. Being an empath in relationships or an empath in dating definitely has its own set of challenges. Over the years I have worked with clients on using their high sensitivity and empathy to their advantage while dating and within their relationships.
If you are an empath, highly intuitive sensitive person, please know that I am devoted to serving you in having incredible relationships and enjoying your life fully and completely.
Watch my video from 2015 here===>https://youtu.be/6DM8aijQkTA
Sending you so much love!
Find a slightly modified transcription of the video below 👇 👇 👇
Are you an empath? An empath is someone who is beautifully sensitive and can really feel the emotions of someone else. This is a really beautiful and sacred gift. The thing is sometimes empaths will take on other peoples’ energies and emotions and the energy of the room. They will do it like it is their own.
When an empath is in a romantic or intimate relationship or when an empath is on the dating scene—it is usually a different experience for this type of person—because this person is very much feeling the other person’s emotions, the other person’s energy, and the other person’s stuff. If they are at a party with a lot of people, they are going to feel that as well.
So let’s say that you [as an empath are] feeling great and you go to an event and you are excited to meet people. Sure, you might be a bit nervous—totally normal—but when you initially agreed to go to the event or go on the date, you felt good about it! And then you went to the event or date, you felt kind of weird, a bit uncomfortable, and kind of slimed. Maybe you even felt sick or felt like crying. Maybe this experience did not make sense! Maybe you felt like it was you! Or, maybe you are an empath who really absorbed and felt the collective energy of the room or you were just so tuned in to the other person’s stuff!
Now, I am in NO WAY saying that you should not leave the house or that you are this person who has this horrible affliction and that there is nothing that can be done about it. No! I am not saying that at all.
The truth is you can still have amazing fulfilling relationships where you are receiving love and appreciation from the other person and you are giving love and appreciation to the other person. All of this is highly possible. What it takes is for you to know what you want, be aware of how you are feeling, and to realize, “hey, maybe all this heavy energy that I am feeling isn’t mine.”
So anyway, I am an empath too and this is something that I have had to deal with in my dating life, relationship life, married life, and in being a somewhat social person in general…During a home yoga practice, the most beautiful message came through to me and I had to stop my yoga practice because all I wanted to do was just get this message out so that I could share it with you. I call this the Empath’s Creed.
Even though I feel the pain of the world. Every insecurity. Every worry. Every bill unpaid. Every judgement. Every instance of a lack of trust.Each betrayal. Every expectation that was never and could never be met. I remember that I have a choice. I can choose to believe and buy into that humanity has fallen. I can choose to believe that I am insignificant and that I don’t matter. Or instead, I can choose to remember who I am and what I stand for. I am profoundly grateful. I AM GRATITUDE. Even at my darkest moment, I choose love. This does mean that I have to like everyone or allow myself to be treated badly. What it does mean is that each moment allows an opportunity. An opportunity for love. An opportunity for change. And an opportunity to choose.
So from my heart to your heart—may your day be filled with love and gratitude. When you are with your special someone, significant other, friends, [or] you are on a date with someone you have not met, you are at a networking event, or party at someone’s house—whatever it is: remember how you are feeling, how you are being, and that you have a choice. You matter.