by lauren | Feb 3, 2018 | Uncategorized
I know it has been a while since we have connected. Truthfully, I have been in deep reflection. Even though I love my contemplation, I genuinely missed connecting with you! I did not reach out because I did not really have anything to say, but now I have something to share with you…It’s about trust. More specifically, self-trust, that sometimes elusive treasure that some of us never find.
Before I go any further, I want to disclose something. Trust—-particularly self-trust—has notoriously been a big deal for me. I used to be someone who was petrified of making a mistake. I used to be someone who was reluctant to move forward without proof. I used to check in with other people about what decisions I “should” make. These choices went right along with who was “safe” to love and what I needed to do to keep myself from being hurt.
Why did I do this? Well, being a psychic little kid, I had a very *different* perception of what was going on. I would see things—-fairies, spirits, scary things, colors around people. I would know things—-things I was not supposed to know and did not know I was not supposed to know. I would feel people’s feelings in my body. I did not know what to make of my experiences, but one thing I knew for sure was that it was NOT what my family and friends were experiencing. I decided that I was wrong and I wanted to keep my perceptions a secret. I was successful at this for many, many years…Until I wasn’t.
I will get into all of that another time, but for now: doesn’t it make sense why I would not trust myself? After all, I had no external support or validation and I decided from a very young age that my experiences were wrong. This choice allowed me to constantly give my power away to other people—-my power away to my lovers, my friends, my family, and any authority figure. Looking back, it was what was normal, but now living in that reality would be a perfectly self-created hell.
Ever since I chose to trust myself, I began to listen to myself intently. I saw that much of what I perceived was not the norm. Instead of getting discouraged as I did as a small child and again as a person with low self-esteem, I now see that my unconventional way of seeing things—-not just seeing ghosts and auras—-is what really allows me to serve other people. Here is what I have found to be true about trust:
- Trust has nothing to do with guarantees and trust comes with a different type of certainty.
- Trust has nothing to do with whether or not things will go “according to plan.”
- Trust is complete liberation and ownership of my life, my intentions, and my manifestations.
For me, trust is about accepting my own inner wisdom, stating my intention, and moving forward with an open heart.
Have you ever wondered what your life and what your relationships would be like if you trusted yourself completely? What would you do more or less of?
by lauren | Aug 13, 2016 | Uncategorized
A little over a week ago, Danny and I returned from Europe. It is an understatement to say that our time together was expansive and magical. During the trip, I could feel so much transforming and shifting within me. I knew that I would never be the same again, and now I might be in a little bit of a conundrum.
See, all of the new energies and insights I received have not made their way into word form yet. In fact, if I tried, everything that I had to share might not make the most sense! It might even feel forced.
For these reasons, I have chosen to do something that I am not very good at. I am choosing to wait.
Here’s the thing about waiting. Waiting does not mean doing nothing. It does not mean assuming that things will just fall into your lap. It does not mean meditating or praying your way into a new reality. (These behaviors can lead to frustration, disappointment, and heartache.)
Instead, waiting is a form of accepting and receiving whereby you get to simply be. When in a state of waiting, you get to take note of your environment and notice your feelings, emotions, and options on what you are experiencing and attracting.
To wait is pay attention. To wait is to listen.
When we are in this period of waiting, we are invited to heal. Through the healing process, we can acknowledge our desires. Through healing, we release all blocks us from bringing our desire into our reality.
For instance, do you desire a new relationship? Or a new dynamic within your current relationship? During this process, do you feel like nothing you are doing is working? Do you feel frustrated and stuck?
If you answered yes, then please consider that you might be in a period of waiting. The Universe and your higher self are asking you to look within and to observe your circumstances in a new way. You are being invited to heal so that you can have the new experience that you desire.
by lauren | Jul 9, 2016 | Uncategorized
Have you ever felt like it was time to give up? When you hear the phrase, “give up” what comes into your heart? Do you feel angry? Does it make you want to fight harder? Does it enlist a feeling helplessness?
If you are…
- Single and have been in the process of finding your best relationship for awhile now
- Feeling heartbroken from a breakup
- Experiencing frustration at the dating process
- Yearning to heal your relationship karma
- Desire your best relationship with your partner
It could be time for a different type of reaction and new types of choices. Perhaps it time to experience surrender instead?
Whatever your response or situation, know this: Giving up does not mean giving in. Instead, reframe “giving up” as a conscious choice of surrender. When you choose to surrender, you are choosing freedom. When we are free in our relationships, we reclaim our personal power. This allows us to be our most recharged selves in our relationships.
In order to free yourself from negativity in your love life, you must be willing to heal. As this is not the easiest thing to do, I have created a video to assist you in the following:
- Acknowledging frustration, anger, pain, and heartbreak that you are feeling
- Using these emotions as a gateway to healing
- Transforming personal fear into love for optimal healing
Click here to watch the video.

Healing is an act of love. Love is the greatest healer. When we heal, we are empowered to have our best relationships.
How does this video make you feel?
And just to shed a little more light on how we can choose love and an empowered path of healing—even with the most recent current events…
Even in this time of tragedy and senseless violence, I am making a conscious choice to acknowledge the highest potential and love spark in humanity.
In times like this, it is not always easy, but know this: no matter how heartbroken and maybe even hopeless we may feel by current events, please know that you matter.
While it may feel small or like it is “not good enough,” each time you smile and allow yourself to fully experience the beauty of the moment…for every hug you give and receive, for every time you choose love over fear, you are acting as a part of the solution. You are powerful, loved, and lovable.
by lauren | Apr 20, 2016 | Uncategorized
Have you heard the expression that you can’t find love until you love yourself? How do you feel about that saying?
I believe that while there is some truth to this well-known saying, the underlying wisdom of the popular self-love concept has been neglected.
To shed some light, I created a video for you to explore the concept of self-love through what it is NOT and how to make love-based choices to experience your best relationships and results that you love.
Watch the video by clicking here

by lauren | Apr 14, 2016 | Uncategorized
Have you ever had one of those moments where you made a big choice?
This is the type of choice where you can seriously feel your heart thudding against your chest.
This is what courage feels like.
When was the last time you were courageous? Was it standing up to someone? Was it making a bold move? Was it giving yourself something that you really, really desired?
There are three distinctly courageous choices that have shaped my life to be what it is today. Here they are in no particular order:
- Coming out of the psychic/healer closet
- One was committing to and marrying my husband, Daniel
- Becoming vegan
I even made a video where I go into a little more detail on how these choices altered the course of my life.

When you make a choice that is authentic to your heart’s desire and to your soul’s truth:
- You become more and more irresistible.
- You allow a part of you to become unearthed and align more and more fully to who you really are and what you desire.
- You stop caring about what other people think.
- You start aligning more and more to love.
To courageously follow your heart is an act of love.
Courage leads to love. Love creates love. Love is irresistible.
Sending a hug and blessings of courage!