Illusion of Perfection Keynotes

Watch the newest video on the Illusion of Perfection here:===>

You can read the transcription below, but it is highly recommended that you watch the video.

What we are going to talk about right now is the Illusion of Perfection. The Illusion of Perfection is the fourth Illusion of Relationship that separates you from Love and disconnects you from your heart by willing you to be absolutely flawless and perfect. This particular Illusion of Relationship causes you to not be yourself.  It does this because it keeps you from getting to know your true self. You are constantly plugged in to other peoples’ expectations of you. Now, they might be perceived expectations–projected ones! They may not even be true. A lot of assumptions are made with the Illusion of Perfection. When we are trying for an ideal that is not authentic for us, it puts us out of our brilliance and it makes us inauthentic. This can cause us to attract a lot of situations where we feel like we cannot be ourselves and where we cannot even access ourselves and are genuinely afraid of our potential.  Dear one, if this sounds like you, my advice for you is to connect with your heart and set the intention to tap into the creative power, to let your Love Renegade guide you in being yourself, and for you to be courageous enough to put your beautiful heart and enter the world in your own unique way. 


Expectations, Fear & Anger-Oh my!

How many times have you spoken your truth, only to be on the receiving end of someone’s wrath?  Maybe you have experienced it with family?  Maybe during a break up or a fight?

Whatever it is, know this: The Illusion of Drama is at play!  This is the Illusion of Relationship™ that affects us most in the areas of emotions, feelings, and change.

Let’s dive deeper into understanding the Illusion of Drama by shedding light on expectations, one of the biggest culprits in creating unnecessary drama! See, most people go into relationships with expectations.  It is human nature to desire certain things!

One of these expectations, for instance, is that the man “should” pay for dinner. Yes, it is nice to be treated to dinner but expecting something puts a whole lot of unnecessary pressure on the date, which can lead to assumptions and drama!

Another way that expectation creeps its way into a committed relationship is when one partner feels that the other should be responsible for all of their emotional needs. This where the drama really kicks in!!

Imagine you are in an intense emotional state. You expect your partner to react to you in a certain way. Whether you are seeking comfort, affirmation, or validation—your partner does not give you what you want!  Maybe your partner even sets boundaries with you about it. Maybe you perceive this as rejection and just become angrier and angrier!

Let’s look at the other side of this dramatic interaction…

A person you care about is experiencing intense emotions and a part of you is afraid. You tried to fix the situation and found out they were not looking for solutions!  Now you feel unappreciated. At this point you might see the person as inconsolable. Whatever it is— the emotional energy is too intense for you!  You are now in survival mode, and truly believe you need to run for cover. So you yell that you need to be left alone…or you just shut down.

Does any of that sound familiar? If so, what do you do?  You could complain to your friends—-feeding into the drama! You could vilify your partner—-creating a whole other level of drama…Or you could break free of the Illusion of Drama.

If you have not yet watched the Illusion of Drama video or if you need a quick reminder, watch it here:

If you are in the middle of high emotion and drama, I offer you empathy and a gentle reminder that you have a choice.  You can free yourself from the drama in a way that supports your personal growth and relationships.

Here are a couple of healing resources:

Video-“How to Stop Feeling Angry, Resentful and Hurt”-

Invitation- Connect with me one-on-one in a free consult-

I will be in touch soon with more information on how you can break free from the Illusion of Drama. We will also be starting our adventure into the Illusion of Perfection soon.

Hello, Drama, My Old Friend

Hello, Drama, My Old Friend


Hello, Drama, My Old Friend!  When Drama arrives in your life, it could mean that you in the middle of the manifestation process and in the middle of creating real lasting change! OR it can mean that you are under the influence of the Illusion of Drama, one of the Illusions of Relationship™ that pushes love away from you with a misuse of the powerful energy of Drama!

Watch our latest video and receive the healing transmission here==>

Read the transcript below 👇 👇 👇

Today I want to connect with you about the Illusion of Drama. The Illusion of Drama is the third of our Illusions of Relationship™ System that disconnects you from your heart and separates you from Love with a lot of drama, with a lot of distraction. 

When we are caught into the Illusion of Drama, it is usually when things are so chaotic and busy, and when there is a lot of conflict within and relationship dynamics and within ourselves. When that is happening it is really important for you to tune in and to really be aware of how you can be the most authentic. 

Are you emoting and creating drama for drama’s sake? Are you talking about your problems so that you can get attention? Or are you on the verge of a big empowerment opportunity and healing breakthrough in your life and your life is simply aligning to create that. 

Drama is a part of the transformation and healing process and it is really important during this time that you go into it with a loving open heart, with a commitment to being authentic, and to step into your transformation with clarity and with a knowing that it is all working out in your favor. 

Are you caught in the Illusion of Drama?  Want to find out for sure?  Take the free Quiz and find out which Illusion of Relationship™ is influencing you here:

Want to go deep and receive empowered support? Contact lauren at love renegades dot com and request a free session.

Sending you blessings!

The Powerful Thing about Breakups

I woke up at 4:30 AM with the powerful thing about breakups resonating throughout my being. Instead of going back to sleep I found myself out of bed and on my mediation cushion ready to start the day.

Whether it is a relationship ending or a time in your life changing, many of us have a hard time letting go and moving on. We can internalize the pain. We play out the scenarios and what-if situations over and over again.

How would you feel if you were Person A in this scenario?

Person A: My heart is broken! This relationship is ending!

Person B: Congratulations!!  It looks like new changes are unfolding in your life!

Would you find Person B to be really insensitive?

Years ago I hosted an event called “Soul-level Healing for Your Broken Heart.”  What I came to see is that the people who attended had different expectations of healing. Instead of wanting to see a higher purpose and meaning and tap into their power, the group had a genuine desire to bask in their heartbreak and be seen for the tragedy they had just endured.

My 2016 self was a little bewildered.  But I get it. I really do.  Loss of any kind comes with a grieving process that has its own timeline.  We all want to be listened to and heard.  This is a beautiful and necessary part of healing.  We need to acknowledge how we feel, but the issue comes with what happens (or what doesn’t happen) next.

Some of us go into blame and stay there.  A few of us will even see the other person as a villain. Again, there is nothing inherently wrong with this.  It’s a part of the healing process.

(If you would like some support in feeling at peace, watch my first video on Forgiveness here==>

The issue comes when you fail to see your power.  

Then, there is another scenario. This is the one where we do not want to let go, because we are too afraid of what life would look like without a relationship with that person.  Even if we did not like the relationship and verbalized that we wanted something different, we are not quite ready go into the unknown.  Instead, we hold on.

Each of these responses to change separates you from your power. A huge part of healing is reclaiming your power. 

Here is where the wisdom of your inner Love Renegade comes in…

…What if the circumstance or breakup was ultimately in your highest good?
…What if the presence of the other person, villain or not, gave you the opportunity to set a boundary or uphold a new standard for yourself?
…What if the Universe is guiding you toward having the relationship and circumstances that your heart yearns for?

There is a reason why I chose relationships as my area of specialization. For years I was a magnet for people who wanted me to be someone I was not and who would get really angry and project their own wounding onto me.  For so long I felt that something was wrong with me.  I held onto these relationships. I worked on myself and turned myself inside out.  Then, one day I saw the Truth and set myself free.

In my empowered path of healing, I have chosen to align with my divinity, my soul-level gifts of Divine Wisdom and Divine Love.  I have chosen to live my design and free myself from illusion. From this, I have healed my body, enjoy a passionate and healthy relationship with my husband, and nurture loving and supportive relationships.

I also share my love by coaching amazing people in living their Divinity and freeing themselves from the Illusions of Relationship™.  It’s been a huge journey. I treasure the sacred work I get to do with my clients, whether it is for one conversation or years of sessions. I am deeply grateful.

Over the years I have found that every relationship shows us how important it is to love yourself and know your power. When you accept this as truth, you magnetize every person and experience to you that empowers you to be your highest potential.

Every relationship, regardless of how long it lasts or how it ends, comes with a gift. Will you receive this gift?

Thank you for reading.  Sending you blessings of healing, empowerment, and love.

Love Renegade Wisdom & Healing Blessings,


P.S.  In addition to the Forgiveness video above, here is another healing resource, called “Your Solution for Feeling Hurt & Let Down,”  to help you feel better as you heal from a breakup or embrace the potentially amazing changes that are unfolding in your life:

Do you forgive easily?

Do you forgive easily?

When it comes to relationships, the subject of forgiveness becomes inevitable. If you are anything like my clients and me, you have mixed feelings or strong emotions around forgiveness. If someone still has your power, as in they are living in your head rent-free, then it might be time to forgive—or at the very least explore the subject of forgiveness.  To support you with this, I created a Love Renegades Forgiveness Series.  Watch part one called “The Annoying Thing about Forgiveness” here and feel empowered about your next healing steps:

Watch here on my YouTube Channel 👉

Of course, you can read the description below but the video is more fun and it contains a special healing transmission for you. 👇

Hi Beautiful. Today let’s talk about why it is so hard to forgive. Wow. You know forgiveness really used to be a concept that annoyed me.  I thought “why in the world would I forgive someone who has hurt me and caused me problems?  Why even waste time thinking of the other person? Why give them my energy?” Why, why, why??

Then one day, I realized that as much as I did not want to forgive them or think about them, they were still creepin’ their way into my heart and experience. When I realized that my thoughts and in a word way that these people had some power over me, that was when I was like , “no, no, no. It is time to gt in touch with my inner Love Renegade and let this go.”

So right now you might be upset with somebody and harbor lots of feelings of hurt. You may have been betrayed. Someone may have treated you in a mean or maybe even abusive way. Forgiveness doesn’t mean that you need to be in a relationship with that person or that there needs to be a happy resolution.

No it means it is about freeing yourself so that you can allow more Love to come to you. So that you can feel better within yourself, your experience, and within your relationships. This really supports you in attracting and manifesting circumstances and relationship that reflect what you ultimately consciously desire, which is love and to be loved

Thank you for spending time with me.  

Let it out!

What is your relationship with anger like? Do you avoid it? Do you repress it? Or do you lash out and rage? I grew up in a home where I was not allowed to be angry and where I was often the recipient of other people’s anger. It was really uncomfortable and confusing!

Over the last decade I have come to see [when experienced in a conscious way] anger is a deeply helpful emotion because it indicates when a boundary has been crossed. In relationships, boundaries are so important! Boundaries allow us to give and receive love in a way that benefits all involved.

Not everyone agrees with this and that’s ok.  But here at Love Renegades, part of how we create incredible relationships and lives that we love is by feeling our feelings and setting healthy boundaries– both of which play a huge role in breaking free of the Illusion of Sacrifice too!

Years ago when I realized that this was my truth, I remember feeling angry!  I had come across a quote about love and relationships that really pissed me off and inspired a passionate rant!

Watch it here===>

See, my relationship coaching and love psychic business was at the beginning of  transforming into Love Renegades. I am grateful that the anger I felt has allowed me to deepen my understanding, perspective, and approach regarding the importance of boundaries in relationships and in serving amazing people like you.

Here are some questions for you to explore in your self-care time:

What role is anger playing in your life, your relationships, your dating experience, etc right now? What is no longer working for you?  What boundaries are you thinking about setting?

If you are in a different place right now, what boundaries did you set to get you to where you are now?

It’s all such a fun process of self-reflection, isn’t it?!? 🙂

Here is the transcript of the video:

There is something that I really, really want to shed light on. This is about love. Ok really—it is about what love is NOT. More than that it is what so many of us think that love is. I want to give you an example so that I can stop being so freakin’ theoretical here.

OK, I was looking at different quotes about love. I stumbled on this one, and I am just going to be honest. It pissed me off. It’s in line with everything that I want to talk to you about today. It says:

A strong relationship starts with two people who are ready to sacrifice anything for each other.

No! It is not true and absolutely messed up! If somebody tells you that you need to love them by sacrificing for them, then you need to run for the hills!!


Love does not put conditions and parameters. That is [the illusion of] control! That is [the illusion] of sacrifice! That is manipulation. That is just some BULLSHIT! 

So, if anyone tells you that, then run!! And if you are the person doing that then I ask you, “are you more about controlling people or are you more about love?”  Because Love is a creative energy. And if we are sacrificing ourselves or if we expect someone else to sacrifice themselves to show us so that we can tell everyone how “in love” we are with each other, then really…

What comes out of sacrifice? Really nothing comes out of sacrifice. It keeps us stagnant. It keeps us stuck. It keeps us locked in the same patterns!

And Love is a creative energy. Love gives us new opportunities to experience ourselves to express ourselves.  To be IN LOVE and ENGAGES with our lives!

So sacrifice is a love myth—there is an illusion of sacrifice—that really just ignites something in me! And as a Love Psychic—who a true LOVE RENEGADE— I feel it is my responsibility to shed light on these misconceptions, these illusions of relationship, these love myths. 

What is the Illusion of Sacrifice (in the Illusions of Relationship™ System?)

What is the Illusion of Sacrifice (in the Illusions of Relationship™ System?)


Watch the video here 👉

Or read the transcription below…which is fine but you may not fully receive all of the love that is available to you in this healing transmission if you only read about it 👇 👇 👇

Hi, I am Lauren Kay Wyatt. I am an Intuitive Coach, the founder of Love Renegades, and the Creator of the Illusions of Relationship™ system. 

Today I want to connect with you about the Illusion of Sacrifice. The Illusion of Sacrifice is one of the Illusions of Relationship that causes you to disconnect from your own needs and to be completely tuned into the people around you. For example, you would intuit your partner’s needs, your friends needs, your children’s needs, but that you would be completely disconnected when it comes to your own needs.

While it is a beautiful thing to be so caring and loving and while it is a super power to know other people’s needs, the dysfunctional side of it is being codependent and to really expect other people to give you what you give them–when one of your super powers is giving. 

So what will really support you in breaking free of the Illusion of Sacrifice is making a commitment to connect with your own heart and to treat yourself the way that you treat other people by tending to your own needs. 

Now this may take some deep self-reflective work that might feel kind of scary.   I encourage you to be courageous. At Love Renegades we say Courage is the Vehicle of Love. I encourage you to really go for it. 

Go for it in getting to know yourself and in getting to love yourself. Explore those shadows so that you can break free and be free and so that other people will love you the way that you love them and so that you can even have a higher level of that ideal. 

Can empaths find love too?

Can empaths find love too?

Are you an empath? In 2015 I made a video on my YouTube channel—back when I called my business Bee Loving Bee Wise, owned the title of Love Psychic, and for the most part, did not include my middle name when introducing myself.  To my surprise I saw that this video has almost 4.5K views!!  I had no idea the impact the video would make.  Although I do not often use the word “empath” it is very much a part of my life and the lives of my clients.  Being an empath in relationships or an empath in dating definitely has its own set of challenges.  Over the years I have worked with clients on using their high sensitivity and empathy to their advantage while dating and within their relationships.

If you are an empath, highly intuitive sensitive person, please know that I am devoted to serving you in having incredible relationships and enjoying your life fully and completely.

Watch my video from 2015 here===>

Sending you so much love!

Find a slightly modified transcription of the video below 👇 👇 👇

Are you an empath? An empath is someone who is beautifully sensitive and can really feel the emotions of someone else. This is a really beautiful and sacred gift. The thing is sometimes empaths will take on other peoples’ energies and emotions and the energy of the room. They will do it like it is their own.

When an empath is in a romantic or intimate relationship or when an empath is on the dating scene—it is usually a different experience for this type of person—because this person is very much feeling the other person’s emotions, the other person’s energy, and the other person’s stuff. If they are at a party with a lot of people, they are going to feel that as well.

So let’s say that you [as an empath are] feeling great and you go to an event and you are excited to meet people. Sure, you might be a bit nervous—totally normal—but  when you initially agreed to go to the event or go on the date, you felt good about it! And then you went to the event or date, you felt kind of weird, a bit uncomfortable, and kind of slimed. Maybe you even felt sick or felt like crying. Maybe this experience did not make sense! Maybe you felt like it was you! Or, maybe you are an empath who really absorbed and felt the collective energy of the room or you were just so tuned in to the other person’s stuff!

Now, I am in NO WAY saying that you should not leave the house or that you are this person who has this horrible affliction and that there is nothing that can be done about it.  No! I am not saying that at all.

The truth is you can still have amazing fulfilling relationships where you are receiving love and appreciation from the other person and you are giving love and appreciation to the other person. All of this is highly possible.  What it takes is for you to know what you want, be aware of how you are feeling, and to realize, “hey, maybe all this heavy energy that I am feeling isn’t mine.”

So anyway, I am an empath too and this is something that I have had to deal with in my dating life, relationship life, married life, and in being a somewhat social person in general…During a home yoga practice, the most beautiful message came through to me and I had to stop my yoga practice because all I wanted to do was just get this message out so that I could share it with you. I call this the Empath’s Creed.

Even though I feel the pain of the world. Every insecurity. Every worry. Every bill unpaid. Every judgement. Every instance of a lack of trust.Each betrayal. Every expectation that was never and could never be met.  I remember that I have a choice. I can choose to believe and buy into that humanity has fallen. I can choose to believe that I am insignificant and that I don’t matter. Or instead, I can choose to remember who I am and what I stand for. I am profoundly grateful.  I AM GRATITUDE. Even at my darkest moment, I choose love. This does mean that I have to like everyone or allow myself to be treated badly. What it does mean is that each moment allows an opportunity.  An opportunity for love. An opportunity for change. And an opportunity to choose.

So from my heart to your heart—may your day be filled with love and gratitude. When you are with your special someone, significant other, friends, [or] you are on a date with someone you have not met, you are at a networking event, or party at someone’s house—whatever it is: remember how you are feeling, how you are being, and that you have a choice. You matter.



Melt Your Heart (with this Valentine’s Day Special)

Up until now, I have not really been one to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Really, I think I may have been a little judgmental and arrogant—which is kind of embarrassing to admit because I have loads of empathy and coach people in love and relationships.  My reasoning was that it did not make sense to me that so many wonderful people were giving their power away to a “silly” holiday.

Now, I realize that my arrogance was my way of protecting my empath heart from feeling the deep gaping heart wound of the Collective.

As much as I tried to shield my heart from feeling this pain, it still persisted, constantly knocking on my door to be of assistance. It felt too overwhelming until one day I decided to just let myself feel it.  Courage is the vehicle of Love, right?

Here is what I know is true…

We are collectively hurting. Each one of us yearns to love and be loved.  Each one of us has the opportunity to heal.

Although what I am about to say may sound radical and outlandish, I genuinely believe that the more we choose love and healing, the more we contribute to the Collective’s healing.

This means that the pain you feel from that divorce or that break up with a friend or that business deal that fell through—no matter how big or small or present that pain is—by healing it, you acknowledge your own power and set yourself free.

This means that all of the annoying things you experience in your relationships, within your dating process, etc— all of those things are your soul’s way of calling your attention to healing and liberating the love within you.

By healing these things, you contribute to healing the collective wound.  In other words, your healing may inspire someone you do not even know to heal. This creates a cosmic healing ripple that benefits humanity, our planet, and collective spiritual growth.

That is the motivation behind this Valentine’s Day-inspired Special. I call it a Love Liberation Session, a private 30 minute intuitive healing and coaching session where you will:

  • Receive clarity on liberating the love within and around you!
  • Pave the way for you to have amazing experiences in your relationships!
  • Get to the root of all of the emotional, spiritual, and psychic gunk that is clogging up the love and healing within you!

In honor of Valentine’s Day and in the name of Love and Healing, I am doing this for half of the price of my normal rate!!  So exciting, right?!  This means that instead of $297, it is $147.)

You can make your purchase here.

You can read more here on my website.

Thank you for reading. It is a deep honor to assist you in healing and to provide you with wisdom that supports you in letting love lead the way, in your relationships and life.

What is the Illusion of Control (in the Illusions of Relationship™ System?)

What is the Illusion of Control (in the Illusions of Relationship™ System?)

Watch the video here:

**A slightly modified transcription is given below.  Please know that the healing transmission of this video does not come out as fully from the transcription.**

Today we are shedding light on the Illusion of Control, the first of the Illusions of Relationship™. Just like what its name feels and and sounds like, really creates contraction with control.

The control can be aggressive such actively and obviously trying to control other people. The control can look covert as well.

Either way, you want to control the future by wanting to know exactly what is going to happen and when it is going to happen.  This Illusion of Relationship™ really takes you away from your heart and it throws you out of sync with Love by its relentless need to control. This is micromanaging of the creative process of the heart chakra.

For people who have the Illusion of Control as their main Illusion of Relationship™, the best advice is to you is to work on opening your heart and trusting Life.  Being authentic and vulnerable is a huge part of this as well—doing this in a powerful honest way—where you can put it out there to the Universe (as an intention) and really attract people into your life who can be safely be your soft side with and who is safe to let your guard down with.

This allows Love to lead the way.

You are invited to reflect on this message with the following questions:

1.) In what ways do I seek and exhibit control in my relationships?

2.) How do I try to control myself and others?

3.) What might happen if I followed the advice given to me in the video?