Your stomach churns. Your heart races. You have just spoken your truth only to find that someone else is let down. Perhaps they expected more of you than you were willing to give? Maybe you were (knowingly or unknowingly) dishonest. Or maybe, things changed.
Either way, it feels uncomfortable. A choice has been made and there is no going back to how things were. From that choice, and from the outcome of that choice, you are no longer the same person.
Yes, although it feels uncomfortable, there is also an impending joyful alignment!! Transformation, healing, and change can be messy.
We all have the potential to be divine masterpieces in our divine messes.
Often we are afraid to do things differently for fear that they will not work out. The fear of failure can stop us dead in our tracks. But what happens when we do take risks?
Sure, you might “fail,” but one thing is certain—clarity will prevail.
In March of this year, I declared I was permanently relocating to Maui. I took some serous spontaneous action, living in Hawaii for six months—four of those months without my husband, Daniel, and our sweet pets.
Well, near the end of my time there, things changed. While I loved Maui deeply and received so many blessings there, I had a deep knowing inside of me that it was time to go. Even though it was a tearful goodbye, the choice to leave made sense to me. And even though I intellectually knew that, I still needed to allowed myself ample time to understand and detangle my emotions around the entire experience.
It’s been a little over two months since returning to Texas. In this time I have enjoyed being in the same physical space as Daniel and in my comfy home as I go deep into contemplation. Here is just a little bit of what I found:
I liken much of my experience to a relationship. You know—the kind where you love the person deeply but the sacrifice required is often too great a price to pay?
I see my time in Hawaii as a beautiful love affair, where I had initially intended to stay, only to see that doing so was no longer aligned.
Leaving was my way of breaking free of the Illusion of Sacrifice, one of the six Illusions of Relationship™ that keeps us from connecting with Love and living our life on our soul’s terms.
Releasing our attachment to something working out a certain way (or our attachment to a certain someone) is an act of courage. At Love Renegades we say courage is the vehicle of love. It takes guts to chart your own course, to leave a situation, to say no, and to say yes.
So yes, even loving and courageous choices can come with drama! What do you think? Can you relate?
Here are three prompts for you to contemplate:
To what or to whom are you attached?
What risks do you feel afraid to take?
What are your reasons for resisting change?
Even if feels uncomfortable and even if you feel emotional and maybe even nauseated—what if you trusted that everything was working out for you? What if you genuinely allowed yourself the gift of empowered healing expansion as you navigated your own course, outside your comfort zone?
Do you want to feel nourished, whole, and complete? Listen to this ocean healing meditation and feel instantly loved and restored. Watch it here===>
How do you push love away? Most of us cannot stand being seen as our full selves. To protect ourselves, we push love and intimacy away. This is one way the Illusion of Absorption, one of the Illusions of Relationship™, causes havoc in our lives.
In this video, Lauren of Love Renegades goes deep into how the Illusion of Absorption stops you from experiencing the love that you desire. Watch it here===>
It does not matter if you are single or coupled up, you are in relationship. You are in relationship with yourself and you relate to everything in your life. In this specific post, we will explore your relationship with drama. We do this to identify and break free of the Illusion of Drama, one of the Illusions of Relationship™.
Explore the Illusion of Drama and your relationship with drama in this video from the Love Renegades YouTube channel here===>
One of the biggest fears that many of us share is the fear of being humiliated. It is really what causes us to hold back our Divine light and lead authentic lives. This is a part of the Illusion of Perfection, one of the Illusions of Relationship that causes you to choose safety and self-preservation over self-love and living your full potential.
Watch this video on the Love Renegades YouTube channel about the Fear of Humiliation here:
You and someone you care about have not spoken in months. You want so badly to reconnect and yet…you don’t. You have so much to share but the timing is not quite right.
This is not an issue of perfection. This is what I call a “choice of permission.” All too often we do not give ourselves permission to do what we want to do. Instead, we continue to do what we have been doing or we choose to do what we are told to do.
As the leader of our movement, Love Renegades, I gave myself permission to temporarily remove myself from “business as usual.” In that choice I stood with my heart’s truth, replenished with the Divine, and focused on my sacred relationships.
This, sweet ones, is the reason I have been absent for the last few months.
Instead of keeping up appearances with social media and marketing and doing what I was “supposed to do,” I acknowledged my heart’s longing for something else. Something new, different, and unknown—that at the time, had not yet revealed itself to me.
In an effort to understand my heart’s message, I chose Love where I dove deeply into service mode with clients and focused on the three relationships I care about the most:
My relationship with the Divine
My relationship with my Self
My relationship with husband, Daniel
This decision of choosing Love and these sacred relationships led to a series of events that would take me on a spiritual pilgrimage throughout India in early 2020 and would ultimately lead me to relocating to Hawaii with my husband, Daniel—and in the middle of a pandemic.
In this time of global calamity, I am acutely aware of how powerful our choices are. I see the polarity of love and fear clearly. I am choosing Love.
My loving intention to reach out to you today was to reconnect with you—to remind you of your heart’s wisdom and the power that comes from making a choice.
And I am doing something I have not done in years! Over the next two weeks I have chosen to open up my calendar to support you in reconnecting with your heart and choosing Love.
The Law of Drama is the Law of Relationship™ that separates us from love with dramatic experiences, over-reactions, resentments, and mistaking our [very loud] feelings for our intuition.
To break the Law of Drama we must accept that when we take steps toward transforming our circumstances—either in attracting our ideal partner, healing our broken hearts, enhancing our current relationship, or in up-leveling other parts of our lives—we are making a conscious choice to instigate change our lives.
When we choose to change, Drama knocks on our door ready to support us with the transformation we desire.
Most of us, when we experience drama, get lost in negative loops of thought and emotion. This may cause us to abandon our plans for transformation and to sabotage our progress. We may tell ourselves that we are not on the right path. We may doubt everything that we used to feel so strongly about before. Those of us who choose to break the law of drama, transcend the drama by rising above it.
See how this plays out in this “Law of Drama Case Study” with Lauren Wenzell. Lauren is a courageous, sensitive soul who writes beautiful poetry (you can check out her work on Instagram at @laurenspeacefulpoetry) and who works with children with autism. This time last year Lauren came face-to-face with the Law of Drama when her father died and just a mere few days later her longterm boyfriend broke up with her!
Watch to find out how she found her power in one of the hardest (and certainly most dramatic) times of her life here=====>
When you master rejection you master life. If you are feeling hurt and limited by rejection or the fear of rejection please watch this video I made for you.
Whatever you have been through has made you who you are today.
For those of us who have “gotten our asses kicked” by the Universe and who dared to make it to other side—that situation, the one that broke our hearts and overwhelmed us and the one that left us feeling completely defeated more than once—-yes that situation has made you who you are today.
Take a moment right now to acknowledge how far you have come. What did you learn about yourself? What wisdom did you gain from that experience? How did that experience shape you to be who are today and to have what you have?
This conversation brings us to connect with another Law of Relationship™, one of the six universal patterns of illusion that separates us from love—love in our intimate relationships, love within our life circumstances, and most importantly: the love within your own heart that allows you to tap into your personal power highest potential (aka your inner Love Renegade.)
We call this particular Law of Relationship™ the Law of Satisfaction.
The role that the Law of Satisfaction plays is what causes you to settle. It does this to protect you from having to endure similar pain and agony again.
While the Law of Satisfaction may “work” to keep your life “peaceful” and maybe even impressive from the outside looking in—it can hinder you from moving into your next level of LOVE and growth.
It separates you from love by causing stagnation. We are stagnant we are stuck. We are not moving forward. This immediately puts us into conflict with Love, the most creative and growth-oriented energy there is.
To help illustrate the Law of Satisfaction and what you can do to break the Law of Satisfaction, I interviewed my client, friend, and colleague, Jennifer Murphy. Jennifer has an expansive and impressive life. She wears many hats and has “been through the ringer” in her relationships and life circumstances. Jennifer is a personal development expert and the creator of the No Limits Life Empowerment Institute.
In the summer of 2018 Jennifer hired me to assist her in breaking the laws of relationship™ and in moving into her next level of potential and Love.
Watch us talk about her experience and the ins and outs of the Law of Satisfaction and enlighten yourself to what is next for you====>
Unconditional love is a beautiful ideal that some people [unfortunately] choose to abuse. Watch this video for insight into the negative waves that people use the ideal of unconditional love to hurt, manipulate, and control others. The content in this video teaches you what to look out for so that you can tap into your inner love renegade, break the laws of relationship™, and release those people from your life. Watch it here====>