finding “the cure” for fake

On Friday night, I reconnected and celebrated with an old friend. I remembered the time when this person first entered my world…
…I was a scared teenager who was trying very hard to fit in. I felt that what I truly wanted—some type of creative and meaningful existence—would unfortunately not be possible due to expectations surrounding me.

  • This person gave me permission to feel my heart.
  • This person helped me explore my emotions.
  • This person was free.
  • This person is Robert Smith, the lead singer of The Cure.


Ok, so while I have not had the pleasure of personally meeting Robert, I am incredibly grateful and appreciative of his impact on my life.
See, I can relate to him. Sometimes when people look at me, they laugh. When I tell them that I am a Love Psychic, I conjure up anything from:

  • Surprised looks—say what?
  • To a “what are you doing here?”
  • And the occasional “oh that’s interesting, tell me more.”

Some people ask me what I really do with my time…What’s my real job, they ask. (And I love responding that I run a successful company!)
I used to want to fit in, but now, I have thankfully chosen to take the authentic high road, a choice that supports you in creating your best relationship.

Here’s why:

  • A huge part of how I approach relationships has to do with the healing aspect of it all
  • See, if you are not in your best relationship now (and if you want to be) you cannot manifest one until you connect with why you currently do not have one now
  • Diving deep into the healing aspects of transforming a current relationship or crafting a new relationship is empowering
  • Being conscious, aware, and empowered is passionate and sexy combination!! (Passionate and sexy attracts passionate and sexy!)

Will you accept my invitation to allow me to support you in this healing process by attending a free virtual event that I am giving?

What: Soul-Level Healing for Your Broken Heart, a free virtual event where I will be giving mini readings, coaching, and offering support on healing and having your best relationship.

When: Tomorrow, Wednesday May 18, 2016 at 2 PM Central

Where: The internet, more specifically on social media platform called Blab im.

How: This is just a tad complicated, but definitely not impossible.

  1. Get a Twitter account at
  2. Head over to and get a Blab account.
  3. When you are in your Blab account, type my name “laurenkaywyatt” into the search-bar. From there, will see my name and picture pop up.
  4. Click on my picture, click on my scheduled Blabs, click on “Q&A: Soul-level Healing for Your Broken Heart” and then SUBSCRIBE to the event!

If you require assistance in attending the event, let me know. I am definitely not the most technologically savvy of people, but I will help you get there.

If you want to receive a reading or be coached, contact me here and let me know your particular situation.

Please share this event and the “directions to the party” with your friends.

Love Renegade Blessings,

When “I’m sorry” doesn’t cut it

On Monday morning, I woke up with a flash of insight.

soullevelhealingbrokenheartWhat would it be like if we were willing to drop the words “I’m sorry” from our vocabulary?

Before anyone gets all heated and accuses me of being unconscious or uncompassionate (not that you would do that) I urge you to reflect upon how often you apologize.

If it is a lot, consider that you might be giving too much of your energy to someone else’s problems or circumstances…Is this a smokescreen for your true feelings? Does it distract you from getting your own life on track?

Instead of saying you are sorry, what else could you say instead?

And for anyone who is waiting for an apology from someone else…I will just say it:

It’s time to let that shit go.

I mean really…Of all of the other things you could be thinking about or doing, you are choosing to spend your time on someone who has hurt you.

This type of behavior only serves in creating resentment. Feeling resentful is a huge energy-suck. It is SO draining.

What if you put your time and energy into healing instead?

One way you can do this is to accept my invitation to join me for a FREE virtual event, Soul-Level Healing for Your Broken Heart.

  • What: Soul-Level Healing for Your Broken Heart. This is an opportunity for you to receive healing insights, mini readings, and live coaching from me.
  • When: Wednesday, May 18th at 2 PM Central Time.
  • Why: Having a broken heart is a very real part of being human. If our heart does not heal, it makes it very hard to enjoy our relationships and have passion.
    • Really, choosing to heal your heart is one of the most badass things you can do.
    • It is empowering.
    • When we are empowered, we attract Love.
  • How: Attend Soul-Level Healing for Your Broken Heart where you will receive loving insight from mini readings and live coaching from me. To attend:
    1. Get a Twitter account at
    2. Head over to get a Blab im account.
    3. If you have an iPhone, you can get the Blab im app. (If you have an Android, see if it works in your browser and if not, try Chrome.)
    4. When you are in your Blab im account, type my name “laurenkaywyatt” into the search-bar. From there, will see my name and picture pop up.
    5. Click on my picture, click on my scheduled Blabs, click on “Q&A: Soul-level Healing for Your Broken Heart” and then SUBSCRIBE to the event!

If you want to be coached or receive a reading, reach out and let me know.

Dealing with the unhealed heart

Heartbreak is a form of suffering and everyone will suffer in some way or another.
Here’s the truth…
If you are courageous enough to allow yourself to be in a relationship, then heartbreak is an inevitable experience.
Instead of trying to escape the pain, feel resentful, or blame someone else for your own unhappiness, why not heal your heart instead?
Really, choosing to heal is one of the most rebellious and courageous things that you can do.
In the video, I go shed light on heartbreak and its negative effects on you, your passion, and your relationships.


To take it a step further, please accept my invitation to attend Soul Level Healing for Your Broken Heart, an interactive and virtual event that I am hosting on Wednesday, May 18, 2016 at 2 PM Central time where:

  • You can receive a mini reading or coaching (either directly from me or by watching someone else)
  • Begin to heal your heart
  • Expand your heart and vision to what’s possible for you in your love life
  • Receive practical action steps for what’s next

To attend the event, you must RSVP by subscribing to the event. Here’s how:

  1. Get a Twitter account
  2. When you have a Twitter account and either:
    1. Go to on your desktop and get a Blab im account.
    2. If you want to use your smart phone get the Blab im app on your iPhone. If you have an Android, you may need to use Chrome as a browser.
  3. When you are in blab, type my name “laurenkaywyatt” in the searchbar. When you see my picture, click on it and then click on my Blab, Soul-level Healing for Your Broken Heart and subscribe.
  4. Or try going directly to the event page by clicking here.

I look forward to giving great information, live readings, and coaching where you will receive:

  • Healing secrets to release relationship woes
  • Strategies on reclaiming your freedom and passion

If you want to interact with me on the call, please let me know! 🙂

And if you want to get right to it and private conversation with me about your love life, then apply for your very own Love Life Makeover Session with me.

These sessions are available by application-only and are reserved for people who are committed to healing and having their best relationships.

Ask Lauren: How can I help my partner?

Last week a beautiful soul asked me the following question:

My partner is afraid of intimacy and wants help from me. How can I help him?

This is a question that I have received many times in many different forms. The answer I give may surprise you.

If you are someone who loves helping other people, someone who is a natural problem-solver, or a fixer, then watch this video.


Do you have a question for me?  You can submit your question here.

Are you choosing love or fear?

Have you heard the expression that you can’t find love until you love yourself? How do you feel about that saying?

I believe that while there is some truth to this well-known saying, the underlying wisdom of the popular self-love concept has been neglected.

To shed some light, I created a video for you to explore the concept of self-love through what it is NOT and how to make love-based choices to experience your best relationships and results that you love.

Watch the video by clicking here


Living Courageously

Have you ever had one of those moments where you made a big choice?

This is the type of choice where you can seriously feel your heart thudding against your chest.

This is what courage feels like.

When was the last time you were courageous? Was it standing up to someone? Was it making a bold move? Was it giving yourself something that you really, really desired?
There are three distinctly courageous choices that have shaped my life to be what it is today. Here they are in no particular order:

  • Coming out of the psychic/healer closet
  • One was committing to and marrying my husband, Daniel
  • Becoming vegan

I even made a video where I go into a little more detail on how these choices altered the course of my life.


When you make a choice that is authentic to your heart’s desire and to your soul’s truth:

  • You become more and more irresistible.
  • You allow a part of you to become unearthed and align more and more fully to who you really are and what you desire.
  • You stop caring about what other people think.
  • You start aligning more and more to love.

To courageously follow your heart is an act of love.

Courage leads to love. Love creates love. Love is irresistible.

Sending a hug and blessings of courage!

Courage is the Gateway to Love

Have you ever had one of those moments where you made a big choice?

This is the type of choice where you can seriously feel your heart thudding against your chest.

This is what courage feels like.

When was the last time you were courageous? Was it standing up to someone? Was it making a bold move? Was it giving yourself something that you really, really desired?
There are three distinctly courageous choices that have shaped my life to be what it is today. Here they are in no particular order:

  • Coming out of the psychic/healer closet
  • One was committing to and marrying my husband, Daniel
  • Becoming vegan

I even made a video where I go into a little more detail on how these choices altered the course of my life.


When you make a choice that is authentic to your heart’s desire and to your soul’s truth:

  • You become more and more irresistible.
  • You allow a part of you to become unearthed and align more and more fully to who you really are and what you desire.
  • You stop caring about what other people think.
  • You start aligning more and more to love.

To courageously follow your heart is an act of love.

Courage leads to love. Love creates love. Love is irresistible.

Sending a big hug and blessings of courage!

Betrayal is a Bitch: A Look into the Messy Energy of Dating

Betrayal is a bitch.  It’s the poison that ruins relationships, the catalyst of a self-esteem plummet. Once we are betrayed…well shit, life just never looks the same again.

The rose color glasses have been stomped on.  Paradise? Lost.

Some of us, the softies, cry. We keep our heads down and distract ourselves as we pray, beg, and even plead with God that we will never, ever be betrayed again.

Then, there are the badasses, those of us naturally dominate folks, who become hardened, jaded, and skeptical. As badasses, we will remove anyone who we perceive as a threat. For this group, any Judas/Brutus is identified immediately and self-protective actions are promptly taken.

Regardless of whichever camp (team softie, camp badass, or flip-flopper) that you are in, you vow to yourself…never again…never will I ever allow this happen!

You plot revenge. You cry. You fantasize about being vindicated as you lie in your rose-thorned-adorned bed.

This is heartbreak.

It’s impossible for betrayal not to result in some type of heartbreak.  When we are heartbroken, our defenses are up. When our defenses are up, our fear is ignited.

Fear is the opposite of love.

If part of you craves being in a loving intimate relationship, a physical expression of love, fear is pretty inconvenient.

When our fear is ignited, we go into self-protection mode.  Self-protection can look like myriad of ways.  For some of us, self-protection looks like we are trying to outrun something.  We distract ourselves with big projects at work. We numb out with partying.  Some of us might create petty drama.

Those of us, fed up with those aspects of self-protection mode, claim that we are done with relationships and dating and that we want to focus on ourselves, first and foremost.

The choice to love yourself is always a wise choice, right?

Yes and no.

Yes in that self-love is a huge component in creating a healthy and fulfilling relationship. No, because highly conscious people like us can use this as an excuse to keep us from having what the relationship that we desire.

Having mixed intentions will never give us what we want, but it does a great job at keeping things as they are.

An intention is a word for whatever motivation (conscious, subconscious, maybe even unconscious) is behind the actions that we take.  Let’s talk about intentions in the context of dating.

Dating is simply a mechanism to craft a relationship.

What if we are afraid to date?  What if the people we attract to go on dates with are total duds or psychos? 

What if we are really busy and dating just doesn’t excite us or feel worth it anymore?

What if we are super traumatized by past experiences that our fear has helped us substantially to live fully functional lives and dating is a huge unknown?!?

This is where intention comes in.

Intention plays into what we desire, what we fear, and how we see the world.  Intention is based on what we believe is true, what we feel we deserve, and what we think we can get.

What do I believe is universally true?

What do I feel I deserve?

What do I think I can get?

Everything we attract is a result of our intention. If our intentions are love-based, we are going to make love-based decisions.  If they our intentions are fear-based, then we are going to make fear-based choices.

Fear is not the enemy here. We experience fear to guard our hearts and keep us safe from treachery and betrayal. Fear mucks things up when it muddies our intentions and causes us to make fear-based choices that result in us never experiencing what we desire.

You are the catalyst of change.

If you do not like your current circumstances or if you are ready to experience your deepest desires, change is in your hands.

So let’s acknowledge our fears. Let’s honor the circumstances that gave us this wisdom.

Then, let’s change our intention.

Dismantle the Soulmate Myth, Reclaim Your Love Life

If your love life frustrates you, you are not alone.  Many highly conscious people struggle to find joy in their relationships.

At first things appear to progress. We find someone we like.  We get inspired by a new approach to dating.  We may even find ourselves in a relationship.

And then, tragedy strikes.

We experience heartbreak or loss in our new relationship.  We get bored with the dating process.  We just can’t seem to get it right.  We feel like we just do not have the energy for this. We are done wasting our precious energy on rejection.

And yet…a part of us still daydreams about our best relationship and future significant other.  We imagine ourselves on a romantic vacation.  We fantasize about co-manifesting with someone who is at our level. We snuggle up in delicious thoughts of being unconditionally loved, supported, and adored by a beautiful human being.

Sound familiar?  Maybe it’s time to shake things up.

First, you must become aware of the energetic reasons behind why you attract what you attract in your love life. One way to do this as to look at your beliefs.

What do I believe to be true about love and relationships? (What strong opinions do I uphold about romantic love?)

Is what I accept as to be true a universal truth?

Are my beliefs serving me in having a relationship that I love?

To assist you further, I am going to give an example of a love myth that I uncovered on my path to creating my best relationship.  This love myth is a part of the belief systems of many highly conscious people.

It’s the soulmate love myth.

A myth is something that we think is true, when in reality, nothing could be further from the truth.  A love myth is an aspect of an illusion.

As a Love Renegade, we work to dismantle untruths, myths, and illusions—laws of love—that are keeping you stuck in your love life.

We when we do this, we are empowered to break free, heal our hearts, and reclaim our romantic relationships!

Watch these three videos to discover the ins and outs of the soulmate love myth and how it negatively impacts your relationships and other life areas.




You are the catalyst of change. 

With Love & Gratitude,


Prince Charming’s Rescue Mission

Are you a fan of fairytales?

What about romantic comedies and classic love stories?

As a child, I loved fairy tales.  The magic, the adventure, the beauty…and of course, the romance.

Couple kissing under umbrella at the beach in sunset. Photo in old image style.

As an adult, I still enjoy the occasional romantic comedy. And a good love story will always tug at my heart and leave me daydreaming for days.

But perhaps you are on the opposite end of the spectrum?

Do these stories cause you to roll your eyes and run the other way?

If so, I completely understand.

Life is tough.

Being a human being is not always fair.  We do not always get our happy ending.

Honestly, I used to feel like I was caught between two worlds.  One world—the world of my dreams—had magic and happily-ever-after.

The other world—the real world—had qualities of settling and disappointment.

I would flip from either end of the spectrum.

I was utterly exhausted and my well-being and relationships really suffered.

The catalyst of change in my love life happened when I dared to break the laws of love.

Word of warning…

Some of what I say may not resonate with you.  My teachings may challenge beliefs that are holding you hostage in your love life and relationships.

As a Love Renegade, I am here to shed light on illusions that are holding you hostage in your love life so that you can have your very best relationship.

This brings me to the subject of soulmates.

Last week we talked about what really happens energetically when you go to look for a soulmate.

This week, I am taking the soulmate subject a step further.  Let’s call this video, Prince’s Charming’s Rescue Mission.

Watch the latest video here:

Is there something that you want me to blog about or make a video about?  Submit your questions to me here in my no-cost Ask Lauren Program.